Conntribution and significance of Don Bradman.

  • Don Bradman's birth

    Don Bradman was born in Cootamundra, NSW in 1908 on the 27th august.
  • first century

    Don Bradman's firs century was in the year 1920 but obviously being his first century there is no exact date
  • test debut

    Don Bradman had his test debut versing England in 1928.
  • knighted

    Don Bradman was knighted by the queen in 1949, no exact date is known so it is estoimated the 1st of January.
  • Don Bradman's death

    Don Bradman died on this day aged 92 in kensignton park, south Australia.
  • inducted in the ICC Cricket hall of fame

    don bradman was inducted in the ICC Cricket hall of fame