Imgres 4

Computing History

  • 100


    Name: Abacus
    Year: 1387 AD
    Info: The first mathematical computing machine
  • Napier's Rods

    Napier's Rods
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Name: Blaise Pascal
    Year: 1623-1662
    Job: Inventor and writer
    Info: Invented the first calculator
  • Pascaline

    Name: Pascaline
    Year: 1642
    Info: Pascal's calulator
  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

    Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
    Name: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
    Year: 1646-1716
    Job: Alchemist
    Info: Invented a better calculator than Pascal
  • Step Reconer

    Step Reconer
    Name: Step Reconer
    Year: 1673
    Info: The first calculator to perform all four arithmetic operations
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Name: Charles Babbage
    Year: 1791-1817
    Job: Mechanical Engineer
    Info: Conidered "father of the computer"
  • Augusta ada Lovelace

    Augusta ada Lovelace
    Name: Augusta ada Lovelace
    Year: 1815-1852
    Place: London
    Info: English mathematician and writer
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    Name: Difference Engine
    Year: 1822
    Info: An automatic calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Name: Herman Hollerith
    Year: 1860-1929
    Place: Buffalo, New York
    Info: He developed a mechanical tabulator based on punched cars ro rapidly tabulate statistics from million pieces of data
  • Vacuum Tubes

    Vacuum Tubes
    Name: Vacuum Tubes
    Year: 1904
    Info: A device controling elctric current thorugh a vacuum sealed container.
  • Thomas "Tommy" Harold Flowers

    Thomas "Tommy" Harold Flowers
    Name: Thomas "Tommy" Harold Flowers
    Year: 1905-1998
    Place: Poplar, London
    Info: Invented the worlds first programmable electronic computer to help solve the encypted German messages
  • Alan Mathison Turing

    Alan Mathison Turing
    Name: Alan Mathieson Turing
    Year: 1912-1954
    Place: United Kingdom
    Info: A British matematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer scientist
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Name: Steve Wozniak
    Year: 1950
    Place: San Jose, California, USA
    Info: Computer engineer and programmer who founded apple computer with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne.
  • IBM Mainframe

    IBM Mainframe
    Name: IBM Mainframe
    Year: 1952
    Info: Large computer systems.
  • Computer Transistor

    Computer Transistor
    Name: Computer Transistor
    Year: 1953
    Info: The "first generation" of electronic computer.
  • William Henry "Bill" Gates III

    William Henry "Bill" Gates III
    Name: William Henry "Bill" Gates III
    Year: 1955
    Place: Seatle, Washington, USA
    Info: The former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft.
  • Timothy John Berners Lee

    Timothy John Berners Lee
    Name: Timothy John Berners Lee
    Year: 1955
    Place: London, England
    Info: Inventor of the World Wide Web
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Name: Integrated Circuit
    Year: 1958
    Info: Also reffered as IC, chip or michrochip
  • 4th Generation Microprocessors

    4th Generation Microprocessors
