Computer Timeline

  • Intel's First Microprocessor

    Intel's First Microprocessor
    Intel's 4004, the first microprocessor by Intel was created. A microprocessor is basically the brain of the computer.
  • Ray Tomlinson creates the email

    Ray Tomlinson creates the email
    Ray Tomlinson worked for Bolt Beranek and Newman as an ARPANET contractor. He figured out how to send files from one computer to another. He called this e-mail.
  • CDs

    James Russel created compact disks(CD). CDs can record may things and can be replayed repeatedly.
  • Internet

    Robert E. Khan invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol. The internet made it easier for researchers to find information quicker.
  • PlayStation is released in Japan

    PlayStation is released in Japan
    It was created and owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The original PlayStation consists of series of console and hand-held game devices.The original console in the series was the first video game console to ship 100 million units.
  • Google is founded

    Google is founded
    Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Google serves as an American multinational technology company that emphasizes Internet-related service. These include advertising technologies, search, cloud software, and hardware services.
  • The creation of the BlackBerry

    The creation of the BlackBerry
    The first BlackBerry device was available in 1999. This phone supported E-mail and limited HTML browsing. BlackBerry ruled the smart phone market until Google and Apple stepped up.
  • IPOD

    An IPOD is a portable media player. It was a smaller and easier version of an MP3 player. Itunes did not exist yet, so users had to upload music from CDs. It was created by Apple Inc.
  • Snapchat is created

    Snapchat is created
    Snapchat lets you send disappearing messages, photos, and videos to selected friends or to everyone who is friends with you on Snapchat. This is significant in my life because I own and use this app daily.
  • IPhone 5c comes out

    IPhone 5c comes out
    The Apple IPhone continued its franchise with the Iphone 5c. This phone offered colored iphones. The colors included white, pink, blue, and green. This is significant in my life because this was my first ever iphone.