Computer time lione

By Nband16
  • First robot AI

    First robot AI
    SRi creates the first robotic artificial intelligence, Shakey. Skynet is one step closer to world domination.
  • IBM 5100

    IBM 5100
    The first portable computer comes out.
  • Atari comes out with the first vidoegame system

    Atari comes out with the first video game system. Commercial success. Originaly the VCS, changed to the 2600.
  • First Macintosh comes out

    First Macintosh comes out
    Apple comes out with their first computer. It is the first successful computer to use a GUI.
  • Internet becomes publicly avalible

    Internet becomes publicly avalible
    In the early 1990's the internet is publicly avalible. Everyone is happy because the internet is avalible.
  • First web browser comes out

    First web browser comes out
    The mosiac web browser is the first internet browser.
  • First Ipod comes out

    First Ipod comes out
    Apple revolutionizes the music industry with the Ipod. Much money comes to apple.
  • Iphone comes out

    Iphone comes out
    First Iphone comes out. Revolutionizes pocket pc market.
  • First Ipad comes out

    First Ipad comes out
    The first Ipad is realeased. Kickstarts the tablet market.
  • Seagate Creates the first hard drive

    Seagate Creates the first hard drive
    The first harddrive for microcomputers is invented, hold 5 megabytes.