Computer history

  • Pascaline

    One of the first mechanical devices (addition)
  • Stepped reckoner

    Mult, divide, add, subtract, and calculate square roots
  • Difference machine

    calculate numbers to the 20th place and then print them at 44 digits per minute
  • Analytical machine

    perform a variety of calculations by following a set of instructions, or program, stored on punched cards.
  • Tabulating machine

    Used for the census, gender,age, height
  • Universal machine

    Being able to change programs
  • Machine language

    Usually binary at the time
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Used binary, 1s and 0s

    Originaly used to product trojectory of missles
  • Mark 1

    Displayed info on punched cards. Relayed switches
  • CPU

    Control all functions of computer (stored info)

    Used to solve problems by entering instructions
  • Transistor

    Used to replace vacuum tubes

    Used computer language c-10
  • Model650

    One of the more smaller computers at the time (expensive)

    uses an interpreter, rather than a compiler, to translate code into instructions that run on a computer.
  • Integrated circuits

    Could let the computer receive info faster
  • System 360

    One of the first computers to use a integrated circuit
  • Microprocessor

    Entire CPU on a chip
  • OOP

    create modules that can be used over and over again in a variety of programs.