Computer History

By 170205
  • Konrad Zuse - Made the Z1 computer

    It was the first programable computer.When he finished the computer he named it V,then to V1- V4 but after wwll he changed it to Z1 - Z4. Z1 was a machine of about 1000 kg weight, which consisted from some 20000 parts!
  • Konrad Zuse- Z3

    The original Z3 was destroyed in a bombing raid of Berlin in late 1943. But with reconstruction of the Z3 in the 1960s which is currently on display at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Using 2,300 relays, the Z3 used floating point binary arithmetic and had a 22-bit word length.
  • Bell Labs- Relay Interpolator Computer

    The U.S. Army asked Bell Labs to design a machine to assist in testing its M-9 Gun Director.The result was the Relay Interpolator, later called the Bell Labs Model II.
  • Bombe- Alan Turning and others

    Bombe- Alan Turning and others
    Based partly on the design of the Polish “Bomba,” a mechanical means of decrypting Nazi military communications during WWII. Together they dramatically improved the intelligence gathering and processing capabilities of Allied forces.
  • John Atanasoff - Made the Atanasoff Berry Computer

    In 1937, the machine was not programmable but than redesigned and it was it was compleded in 1942.The computer's work was not widely known until it was rediscovered in the 1960s.Oh, and i forgot he had help on his project by a man named Clifford Berry that is why Berry is part of the name.
  • Harvard Mark-1 Computer- Professor Howard Aiken

    designed and built by IBM, the Harvard Mark-1 was a room-sized, relay-based calculator. The machine had a fifty-foot long camshaft that synchronized the machine’s thousands of component parts.
  • ENIAC computers- John M. and J. Preper Eckert

    ENIAC computers- John M. and J. Preper Eckert
    ENIAC is generally acknowledged to be the first successful high-speed electronic digital computer. It was productively used from 1946 to 1955. They also took some of John A. Atanasoff tube creation ideas from the 1930's.
  • Whrilwind- ENIAC

    During World War II, the U.S. Navy approached the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) about building a flight simulator to train bomber crews. The team first built a large analog computer, but found it inaccurate and inflexible. After designers saw a demonstration of the ENIAC computer, they decided on building a digital computer.
  • IBM- Philip Don Estridge

    IBM shipped its first electronic computer, the 701. During three years of production, IBM sold 19 machines to research laboratories, aircraft companies, and the federal government.
  • LINC- Wesley Clark

    LINC- Wesley Clark
    LINC stands for Laboratory Instrumentation Computer. after they built it, Digital Equipment Corp. later commercialized it as the LINC-8.
  • CDC´s 6600 supercomputer- Seymour Cray

    It performed up to 3 million instructions per second - a processing speed three times faster than that of its closest competitor, the IBM Stretch. It was the fastest computer in the world until surpassed by its successor, the CDC 7600, in 1968.
  • Kenbak-1- John V. Blankenbaker

    Kenbak-1- John V. Blankenbaker
    It was the first personal computer, advertised for $750 in Scientific American. In 1973, after selling only 40 machines, Kenbak Corp. closed its doors.
  • Google Glass- Google

    It is a computer that you see but no one else can. It is said that it is a smart phone in glasses. You can search the web, video chat, ext....
  • Serface Computing

    You can do anything on it you can take images off your camera with no cords. They think you can buy them in november of 2015. Oh,and they might sell for 5000 to 10000 dallors.
  • Contact Computers- unknown

    they are just like the glasses but dosent look so goofy. They are programed by a litte microchip.