Communication Turning Points

  • Scientific Management

    -Developed by Frederick Taylor
    -Stresses the importance of efficiency. This theory allowed Taylor to see how quickly workers could get something accomplished via the time and motion study.
    -Scientific Management stresses efficiency over personal gain. It deals with how much can get done instead of the quality in which it is getting done.
  • The Hawthorne Effect

    -Developed by Elton Mayo.
    -This theory stresses the importance of a comfortable environment within an organization and workplace,
    -This theory marked a change from quanity to quality, a time where employers actually treated their employees like people.
    -This is relevant today because it shows the importance and impact of making the work environment comfortable as well as the importance of getting employee feedback.
  • Principles of Bureaucracy

    -Developed by Max Weber.
    - Stressed the importance of a chain of command and a group of leaders within an organization.
    -This theory is important today because it allows for hierarchy within the organization as well as the ability for employees to know who is in charge.
  • Principles of Management

    -Developed by Henri Fayol in 1916, but later developed in 1949.
    - This theory stresses the order of command and the importance of knowing who does what within an organization.
    -This theory is important today because it allows employees clarity on who in in charge of what and who will get certain things done.
  • Participative Management

    -Developed by Rensis Likert.
    -This theory stresses the importance of gaining the input of employees on work environment and matters.
    -The Likert scale was delevoped to provide accurate feedback to changes and circumstances at the workplace.
    -This theory is important today, because it makes employers realize the importance of gaining their employees' opinions. Happy emplyees leads to a happy work environment, and increased productivity.
  • Organizational Culture Formation

    -Developed by Edgar Schien.
    -This theory stesses the importance of creating values and protocol as an organization. This allows for all the individuals in the organization to be on the same page and feel unified during difficult times.
    -This theory is important to organizations today because it allows the individuals within the organization to know what the company stands for and what they are representing.