Comet shoemaker

  • Before It striked

    The gravitation pull of Jupiter was pulling the comet towards it this time(1929-1972)
  • Comet Was Broken

    Steve Fentress and astronomer said that the comet was broken into pieces in july 7 before it striked in Jupiter
  • First time spotted

    Three veteran comet discoverers Eugene, Carolyn Shoemaker, and David Levy first spotted Shoemaker Comet in March 1993
  • Plumes

    The comet sent plumes high in the atmosphere. This were hot "bubbles" of gas through out the sky
  • 21 comet fragments

    First 21 fragments hit Jupiter
  • Shoemaker Comet Collied

    Shoemaker-Levy 9 collied with Jupiter over 5.6 days that had 22 fragments
  • First Collision of two Solar system bodies

    Once the collision happened it was the first two solar system bodies to ever do so.
  • Last Fragment

    The last fragment hit jupiter
  • Jupiter's ripples

    Images captured of Jupiter revealed ripples in the main ring. The entire ring was titled 1.24 miles after the impact.
  • Comet inspires movies

    Comet collision enspires movies made in Hollywood in the late 1990s named Armageddon and Deep Impact.
  • Dark spot

    A large dark spot equal to the size of a major ocean was seen on jupiter
  • Hit again ???

    Something hit Jupiter again
  • Two decades later

    Nearly two decades after the impact the New Pluto Spacecraft still detected disturbanes in the ring.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope recorded the comet that had formed a train of 21 icy fragments over 710,000 miles