Com 336 Timeline

  • Principles of coordination (Meaning Centered)

    Mary Parker Follet
    This theory is based on motivation of people in the workplace. It deals with the desires that they have and being able to accomplish them.
    People should be able to work together and fufull the desires that they want in the workplace.
  • Principles of Scientific Management (Functional)

    Frederick Taylor
    This theory says that there needs to be lots of communication with others in the workplace.
    Communicating is best with others that have the same goals, rules, and desires as you to work on projects or when collaborating.
  • The Hawthorne Effect (Meaning Centered)

    Elton Mayo
    This theory focuses on the attention that empoyees get in the workplace, and the improved productivity. Do they feel that they are being listened to and that people can fulfull their needs?
    If an employee needs something for an event or needs help working on something and their need is fufilled then that shows that they have been listened to and therefor their productivity was increased.
  • Principles of Burequcracy (Functional)

    Max Weber
    He wanted lots of stucture in the workplace so making sure that there was authority. There are three types that he identified: charismatic, traditional, and bureaucratic. Charismatic is individually based and can work on their own. Traditional is when authority is passed on from person to person. Bureaucratic is based on rational rules and regualations for a company to help things flow easily. This keeps everyone in check with requirements to keep them on track with their work.
  • Principles of Management (Functional)

    Henri Fayol
    He says that there needs to be some kind of management to help keep a company organized and working well.
    It helps to have someone in the management position so that they can make sure the right work is being done and that everyone is doing their job.
  • Theory X and Theory Y (Meaning Centered)

    Douglas McGregor
    Theory X is based on rewards and punishment from others in the company towards one person who needs a little help with their work. Theory Y is based on self-motivated work and can work completly on their own.
    Employees in a company need a little help so they can get rewarded when they finish a project or they know how to work well on their own.
  • Participative Management (Meaning Centered)

    Rensis Likert
    The more participation and voice there is from supervisors or leaders the more motivation there is from the employees or followers.
    When a supervisor encourages and talks positivly to an employee they will work harder to fulfull their tasks.
  • Critical Theory (Emerging)

    Jurgen Habermas, Michel Foucault
    This theory deals with criticism or citiique in the workplace.
    When there is a lot of criticism from someone it is hard to work for that person or in that work area and then therefore are not motivated to work well in that environment.
  • Postmodern Perspectives (Emerging)

    Stewart Clegg
    This theory focuses on power and domination in the workplace when a supervidor or leader is in control and tries to take charge of everything.
    A leader in a company doesnt allow followers to accomplish tasks on their own and tries to control everything about what they are doing.
  • Feminist Organization (Emerging)

    Marta Calas, Linda Smircich
    This theory looks at how male and female are viewed from different perspectives.
    The male and female both have specific roles but can both do a specific job if asks, they just work differently so projects may turn out different if you ask a male and female to complete the same task.