Colonies to Country: Highlights

  • Sep 17, 1492

    Colombus Seeks Indies, Ends up in a New World (II)

    that eventually lead to a whole new country.
  • Sep 17, 1492

    Colombus Seeks Indies, Ends up in a New World

    After convincing Isabella and Ferdindand, Christopher Colombus got funded for an expedition in hopes of finding The East Indies. Much to his suprise, Colombus came across a new land, unknown to most (if not all) Europeans, that later became known as America. Colombus' new discovery sparked ideas in many explorers' minds to travel and take on a new life in this new world. Once people knew about there being new land they decided to leave and create a new life, that eventually lead to a whole new c
  • Sep 17, 1530

    Protestant Church Rises (II)

    Also, Jamestown shows the importance of learning from your failures to succeed later on.
  • Sep 17, 1530

    The Protestant Church Rises

    After King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic church to form the English Protestant Reformation, and Elizabeth I became queen, Britian became a primarily Protestant country. This new religion paved the way for exploration, in search of a place where protestants could worship. Roanoke Island was established by Sir Walter Raleigh, but was a major fail. Protestant reformation helped the colonies become a country and it was a major reason the English were coming to the New World. Also, Jamestown sho
  • Charters and disease

    The Virgina Company was granted a charter, from the king, to come to the New World with the same rights as men in England. This created a boost of excitment in exploration for founding colonies, which would be based on joint-stock companies. However, the settlers encountered many problems that limited their improvement that held them back from really "booming" such as disease, poor drinking water, and lack of women. This helped identify problems, and what the colonists needed to get or do in ord
  • Charters and disease (II)

    This helped identify problems, and what the colonists needed to get or do in order to become civilized into a country.
  • Self Government Ideas Start

    The first self-government known as the House of Burgesses was a committee that met to work out local issues. This happened in Virgina and gave leadway into ideas for more self governent that would aid in transforming from colonies to a united country.
  • The Mayflower Compact sets an example

    Pilgrims (Separests) from Holland had gotten the approval from the Virgina Company to sail to the New World (New England) on the "Mayflower." They created the Mayflower Compact, which was a set of rules. Even though the Mayflower Compact was not a constitution, it became a template, or design, for the actual constitution that would be written in years to come.
  • More Constitutions Bring up ideas for new Government

    Non-separist Puritans came to New England on a royal charter, which turned into their own constitution. As well as the Mayflower compact, this helped get the settlers in the mindset of self government and later lead to a constitution and seperation from Britian.
  • The Seven Years War

    The French and Indian war, fought by colonists, indians, the French and the British, caused Britian and it's colonies to disagree because the British saw the war to benefit the colonists, while the colonists did not view the war the same way. This war caused Britian to go into debt, which lead them to tax their colonies unfairly. Due to the taxation without representation on colonies, this led to the thirst for their independance.
  • The Boston Massacre

    British soldiers killed five colonists in Boston, (known as the Boston Massacre) which caused even more tension between Britian and the colonies. This aided in the colonists wanting to break away from England because the colonists disliked the intrusions the English soldiers were making. It's important because if the colonists weren't provoked they might not have wanted their freedom, or to turn into their own country.
  • Declaration of Independence!

    Finally, the colonists sat around and wrote The Declaration of Independance, the ultimate break-up letter between the colonists and the country of England. The colonists were stating that they wanted to break free from England and become their own country. This was a major event, obviously, because the colonists were standing up against England, and finally got their Independence, and became a new country.
  • The Boston Tea Party (II)

    This is important because the colonists were trying to prove that they had had enough from the British and wanted to convert to their own, seperate country.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party, which was a rebellious act on the colonists part, in retaliation of the unfair tax that the British put on tea. This was the final tip that that led the colonists to seperate from Great Britian. After acting out, they were punished even more and many colonist officials began constructing a document to be sent to the King, so they could be independent from England. This is important because the colonists were trying to prove that they had had enough from the British and want