
College History II 8/28/14

  • Period: to

    Gilded Age

  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    President Lincoln was shot by John Wilks Boothe at Ford's theatre.
  • Grant nominated for presidency

    Grant nominated for presidency
    After the republicans were freed from the union partys war days the nominated Grant.
  • Black Friday

    Black Friday
    Fisk and Gould raised the price of gold and honest buisness people suffered.
  • 15th Amendent

    15th Amendent
    This amendment gave African Americans the right to vote.
  • immigrant serge

    immigrant serge
    The census reported 39 million people with still more people comming.
  • Tweed Scandal

    Tweed Scandal
    the New York Times turned down $5 million to not publish the damaging evidence against th Tweed Ring.
  • The Great Chicago Fire

    The Great Chicago Fire
    The fire killed up to 300 people and distroyed roughly 3.3 square miles and left more then 100,000 homeless.
  • Economic Panic

    Economic Panic
    the country built more railroads and sunk more mines then the market could handle and everything just blew up.
  • Resumption Act of 1875

    Resumption Act of 1875
    Hard money advocates won whenthe act was passed it had the government withdraw greenbacks from circulation
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1875

    The Civil Rights Act of 1875
    The act was suppost to guarentee equal accomidations in public places and prohibited racil discrimination in jury selection.
  • No president on Inauguration Day

    No president on Inauguration Day
    but some statesmen worked tirelessly to a comromise and agreed on the Henry Clay tradition- the Compromise of 1877
  • Redemtion Day

    Redemtion Day
    This was the time greenback holders were to trade in the lighter greenback bills in for gold, little of them actually did.
  • Hitler was born

    Hitler was born
    Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German Polotician and the leader of the Nazi Party.
  • Garfield Assassinated

    Garfield Assassinated
    Charles J. Guiteau Shot the president in the back in a Washington railroad station. Garfield suffered for eleven weeks before he died.
  • Gun fight at the O.K. Corral

    Gun fight at the O.K. Corral
    This was the most famous gun fight of the American Old West.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
    Signed by pesisdent Chester A. Arthur, halteted chinese imigration for 10 years and prohibited from becoming US citizens.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    This act set up the Civil Service Commission it was pushed for be the Republicans.
  • Grover Cleavland takes office

    Grover Cleavland takes office
    Cleavland was the first democrat back in office since Buchanan twety eight years later.
  • Cleveland voted out of office

    Cleveland voted out of office
    he became the first sitting president voted ot of office since Martin Van Buren in 1840.
  • Johnstown Flood

    Johnstown Flood
    Catastrophic failure of the South Fork Damnand killedc 2,209 people.
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    The act was an attempt to reduce the financial constraints of farmers due to fall in price of the silver.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike
    three hundreed armed Pinkerton detectives floated on barges down the Monogahela River to the Carnegie steel plant because they were angry about pay cuts.
  • The Kansas Legislature

    The Kansas Legislature
    The Kansas capitol was seized by rifle bearing populists after the election of 1892.