
College History 1 1492-1733

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Landed in the Bahamas

    Columbus landed in the Bahamas and met the local natives.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Spain and Portugal came up with a treaty that divided the New World. Portugal got territory in Africa and Asia and also territory that would one day be Brazil.
  • Dec 31, 1513

    Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean

    Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean
    Balboa was from Spain. He found the Pacific ocean and he claimed that whatever the ocean touches will belong to Spain.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes takes Tenochtitlan

    Cortes takes Tenochtitlan
    Moctezuma treated Cortes as a god. Cortes and his army were thirsty for some gold and silver from the Aztecs. The Aztecs soon attacked Cortes and his army, but Cortes came back defeated the Aztecs.
  • Dec 31, 1521

    Ponce de Leon discovers Florida

    Ponce de Leon discovers Florida
    When he first discover Florida; he thought that it was an island. He was in the search for gold. He was France and he was not seeking the fountain of youth. He died by a shoot of an Indian arrow head. He also explored Florida in 1513.
  • Dec 31, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan ship returns

    Ferdinand Magellan ship returns
    Ferdinand was going to sail all the way around the world. He had five ships that set sail in 1519. Ferdinand was captured and killed by the inhabitants of the Philippines. his remaining ship returned to Spain.
  • Dec 31, 1524

    Glovanni da Verrazano

    Glovanni da Verrazano
    He was an Italian mariner. He hired by the French King to explore the Eastern seaboard of North American.
  • Dec 31, 1532

    Francisco Pizarro defeats the Incas

    Francisco Pizarro defeats the Incas
    The Incas were a civilization in Peru. Francisco was from Spain trying to gain wealth. He defeated the Incas which added tons of wealth to Spain. Spain was eventaully pretty rich of of New World gold and silver.
  • Dec 31, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I
    Eliabeth I took the throne of England. England was mostly catholic but when Queen Elizbeth took the throne she made England a protestant country, since she was a protestant.
  • Dec 31, 1577

    Francis Drake

    Francis Drake
    Francis Drake circumnavigrate the globe, which means that he sailed across the world. He was originally from Spain. he returned to Spain in 1580, and made Spain very wealthy.
  • England's defeat over the Spanish Armada

    England's defeat over the Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was to be consider one of the most invincible fleet of ships. Th Spanish Armada was going through the English Channel when sea dogs(pirates that worked for England) attacked them. Then there was a storm that really cripped the fleet. this led to the decline in Spain's power in the New World
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    After peace with Spain, Virginia Company(joint-stock company) embracked on a journey to American to succeed in riches. When the colonists came to shore; they were quickly attacked by Indians. Finally, a town was built that was soonly named after the great honorable King James I.
  • Spain settles New Mexico

    Spain settles New Mexico
    New Mexico was claimed by Spain. Spanish settlers did not find much gold. But it was full of people that could covert to Christianity. So many Catholic missionaries went to New Mexico
  • John Rofle saves Virginia

    John Rofle saves Virginia
    He is consider the father of the tabacco industry, and he save the economy of Virginia. he was able to get rid of the bitter tang tasty of the tabacco. Tabacco was soon the top seller in England and everyone wanted it.
  • First Anglo-Powhatan

    First Anglo-Powhatan
    The Indians were sarting to become a problem for the colonists in Jamestown. Lord De La Warr carrried a message to Jamestown in 1610 that declared war on the Indians. They used new Irish tactics to raid Indian villiages. This finally ended whe there was a marriage between Pocahontas an Indian and John Rolfe a colonist.
  • Virginia becomes a colony

    Virginia becomes a colony
    Virginia had a government but not a very strong government. Soon James I distrusted Virginia, and he took over Virginia. this now made Virginia a royal colony.
  • Charles I killed

    Charles I killed
    Charles dismiised o gotten rid of Parliament for about a decade. when Parliament returned; they were very angry and beheaded Charles I. Cromwell took the throne.
  • Barbados slave code adopted

    Barbados slave code adopted
    This was made up to control the now growing population of slaves in the south. This code gave no rights al all to any slaves. It also gave their masters compete control over them. It also allow harsh punishments for the slightest misfractions.
  • End of Tuscarora War

    End of Tuscarora War
    The Tuscarora Indians cme upon the settlement of Newbern in North Carolina. The Indians attacled them, but North Carolina was soon aided by South Carolina. They inslaved all of the Indians that they caught.
  • Georgia colony founded

    Georgia colony founded
    It was the last colony that was established in the Americans. A high-minded group of philanthropists settled in Georgia. Georgia was going to be a slave free colony, but Georgia eventaully became a slave state.