
Colin Anderson child development

  • Prenatal- first month

    Prenatal- first month
    In the first month the embryo is about 1/10 of an inch,the heart is no larger than a poppy seed.
  • Prenatal- seceond month

    Prenatal- seceond month
    The embryo is about 1 inch long and has distinct, slightly webbed fingers, and you can see veins, and the heart is divided into right and left chambers.
  • Prenatal- third month

    Prenatal- third month
    The fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and is fully formed. He has begun swallowing, and also kicking. All organs and muscles have formed and are working.
  • Prenatal-Four Months

    Prenatal-Four Months
    Your baby is covered with a layer of thick downy hair called lanugo ad feel his first kick.
  • Prenatal-fith month

    Prenatal-fith month
    The vernix caseosa begians to form.
  • Prenatal-six months

    Prenatal-six months
    Eyebrows and eyelids are visible.
  • Prenatal-seven months

    Prenatal-seven months
    Fingernails nails start growing.
  • Prenatal-eight months

    Prenatal-eight months
    He is about 4 to 6 ponds