Cold War to Present

  • TV Age

    TV Age
    The TV age involved kids and family's who were in the 1940's. It was the first time television in America. It also would effect generations to come. It took place all around the US and in other countries. It was important because it helped entertainment and for news to be available to everyone. TV age impacted society because it made people not go outside more often.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Cold War was against the US and the Soviet Union. The definition of the Cold War is A state of tension between 2 countries without actual fighting. It also meant that the US and the USSR had nuke's aimed at each other and could fire at any time. It took place in the United States and Russia. It was important because it was a war that no actual fighting took place. The Cold War impacted Politics because it was democracy and communism against each other because of after WW2 and the fall of axis.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson was the first African American Major League baseball player. He was drafted to the Brooklyn Dodgers. People were also being very racist to him. It took place New York City and other baseball stadiums. It is important because it was the first
    African American major league baseball player. Jackie Robinson impacted Society because he was doing something that had never been done before.
  • NATO / Warsaw Pact

    NATO / Warsaw Pact
    It is a group of countries that was against the soviet union. NATO is a North Atlantic treaty organization helped one another is attacked. There head quarters is in Brussels Belgium. It was important because it was against the soviet union. NATO impacted politics because it gave an alliance that is still around today. The Warsaw pact is the soviet union's version of NATO. Warsaw pact was set up in May of 1955. The Warsaw pact impacted Politics because it gave NATO an enemy to fight against.
  • Joe McCarthy

    Joe McCarthy
    Joe McCarthy was a senator from Wisconsin. He said that 57 state employers were communists. He never could prove that they were in the communist party. It took place in Wisconsin.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    JFK's assassination involved John F Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald shot Kennedy in the head by a sniper rifle and was shot twice. Oswald was latter found in a movie theater trying to hide from the police. It took place in Dallas Texas on the 22nd of November. It was important because it was the 4th president to be assassinated. JFK's assassination impacted Politics because it meant we needed a new president.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    It was between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist and was trying to get South Vietnam communist to. It also turned Cambodia communist. It took place in Vietnam in 1968. It was important because we were trying to stop communism into Asia. The Vietnam War impacted Politics because it was a war we didn't have to fight.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter is elected in 1980. Jimmy Carter is involved in Olympics Boycott. He also was involved in Camp David accords. It took place in the USA. It is our first
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    7 Astronauts including Christa McAuliffe. At 11:39 Challenger took of at 59 seconds after liftoff black smoke appeared. At 74 seconds it burst into flames. It took place at Cape Canaveral Florida. NASA's director was fired and the space shuttle program was put on hold for 32 months. The Challenger explosion impacted Society because it was the death of 7 people on accident.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Saddam Hussein sent 100,000 troops into Kuwait. United Nations launched an air attack calling it Desert Storm. 28 other countries joined. It took place in Iraq . It cost Billions of dollars to rebuild including 700 million t clean up the oil spills. About 11 million barrels of oil were spilled. The Persian Gulf War impacted Politics because it made us go into Iraq stop the terrorist.
  • 911

    911 involved Osama Bin Laden and the United State. Osama Bin Laden hijacked 4 planes. 2 planes hit the Twin Towers 1 hit the Pentagon and 1 hit a field in Pennsylvanian. It took place in New York City on September 11 2001. It was important because it was the second time the US had been attacked since Pearl Harbor. 911 impacted Society because it was the death of many Americans across the country.
  • Financial Crisis of 2008

    Financial Crisis of 2008
    The Financial Sector aka Wall Street in New York City. Companies that normally rely on credit suffered heavily including the american auto industry. Banks also stopped trusting people to pay them back and stopped making loans. It took place in New York City. It began with mortgage dealers who issued mortgages with borrowers couldn't pay so they went into foreclosure. It also mad insurance companies traded for credit swaps making trillions. 2008's financial crisis impacted society because money.