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Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference consisted of Joseph Stalin, /franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill discussing what would happen to Germany after the war. They decided to split Germany into four zones for all three countries and aslo France to rule. It was also agreed that there would be free elections in each.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    At the Potsdam Conference, it is agreed that they will put efforrts into rebuilding Europe. They will also divide Berlin Amognst themselves as they did with Germany.
  • Stalin's Speech

    Stalin's Speech
    Stalin gave a speech were he honored a Socialists. He said communism and capitalism could not go together (which were the forms of government of the U.S. and the Soviet Union). he claimed war was bound to happen.
  • "Iron Curtain" Winston Churchill

    "Iron Curtain" Winston Churchill
    This famous speech delivered by the Prime Minister of Great Britain describes communism in Europe as an iron curtain. They are all in relation to the Soviets and have had their influence.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Harry S. Truman, Roosevelt's successor, had told a speech in which he dedicated the U.S. to helping any country fight against communusm. Although this was a general statement regarding any country, it greatly related to Greece and turkey.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan, named after George Marshall, was announced at Harvard University. It was an aid to help countries get over poverty or lack of resources.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    In an attempt to make the France, Great Britain, and the U.S. to leave their parts of Berlin the Sovets cut off supplies to the other side. The U.S. reacted by supplying them with essential resources by planes. This lasted for about 11 months.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was made and consisted of the U.S., elgium, France, and msny more nations. They were a military alliance against the Soviet Union and their spread of Communism
  • Soviet's Atomic Bomb

    Soviet's Atomic Bomb
    The Soviet Union fires its first Atomic Bomb during the arms race. This scsres the United States because they no longer have the advantage. They started working on another bomb to best the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet and Chinese Alliance

    Soviet and Chinese Alliance
    On Stalin's birthday he arranges a meeting with Mao Zedong, who established the People's Reblic of China as Communist. The meeting results in an alliance.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korea tries to take Over South Korea with Soviet weaponry. The Soviets support North Korea while the U.S. supports South Korea.
  • U.S.A.'s Hydrogen Bomb

    U.S.A.'s Hydrogen Bomb
    The first Hydrogen bomb in the U.S. was tested. The hydrogen bomb, or the thermonuclear bomb, is immensely more powerful than the atomi bomb.
  • End of the Korean War

    End of the Korean War
    Both sides signed a formal truce, signalling the end of the war.
    they also established a demilitarized zone at their border.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    In response to the formation of NATO, a Communist pact called the Warsaw Pact was created. It was made by the Soviet Union.
  • Open Skies

    Open Skies
    When President Eisenhower and Premier Nikolai Bulganin had a meeting, Eisenhower suggested having an "open skies" policy. This would aloow the other to fly over the countries and get informstion on the weaponry. Bulganin refused and rejected this idea,
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    In a speech, Eisenhower presents his doctrine. This ststes to provide aid to Middle-Eastern countries threatened by Communism.
  • First Man-Made Satellite Launched

    First Man-Made Satellite Launched
    The Soviet Union launches the first man-made satellite, Sputnick, into space. This causes a frenzy with Americans who thought they were superior. This is the start of the race to the moon.
  • NASA

    The United States created the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration. This was in irder to get ahead in the race to the moon.