Korean war

Cold War Timeline

  • The Yalta Conference occurs.

    The Yalta Conference occurs.
    American president Franklin Roosevelt, Soviet leader Josef Stalin and British prime minister met to discuss the post war world order.This was a very important event in history because it was the start to the Cold War.
  • "An Iron curtain has descended on Europe"

    "An Iron curtain has descended on Europe"
    In 1946, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill created the Iron Curtain. The Iron Curtain divided Europe in two. It was basically the idea that Europe was separated by an “Iron Curtain” with communist dominated countries on the wrong side of that curtain
    Slide 7 Europes “Iron Curtain”
  • The Berlin Blockade begins.

    The Berlin Blockade begins.
    The Berlin Blockade was the first major crisis of the Cold War. Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under the control of Allies.In 1949,Joseph Stalin finally decided that this just wasn't getting him the results that he was looking for so he backed down.
    Slide 6, Berlin Blockade/Airlift
  • NATO is ratified.

    NATO is ratified.
    NATO is the North Atlantic Trade Organization and it was basically mutual defense organization. It was made to prevent the kind of scenario that had started world war II.
    Slide 7 Europes "Iron Curtain"
  • The Korean War begins.

    The Korean War begins.
    The war began when the North Korean communist army crossed the 38th parellel and invaded South Korea. The United States came to South Korea to aid and help.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    The Warsaw Pact banded together various countries, including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Soviet Union, and Albania.
    Slide 7 Europes "Iron Curtain"
  • The Space Race

    The Space Race
    The Space Race was a competition between The Soviet Union and The United States. Basically when the Soviet's sent up Sputnik it got the U.S's attention. President Kennedy got worried. He thought that since the Soviet's sent up Sputnik it might make people believe communism is better. In turn this made Kennedy create NASA.
  • John F. Kennedy elected president of the united states

    John F. Kennedy elected president of the united states
    John F. Kennedy was elected the president of the United States of America.His election as president caused tension between the Unites States and the Soviet Union.
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion
    1400 commandos went ashore in Cuba, more than 100 of them were killed, the rest went into captivity and the United States had to negotiate for their release and give Fidel Castro certain economic assets in exchange for getting these commandos back.
    The faiure of the Bay of pigs lead to the cuban missle crisis.
    Slide 13 Bay of Pigs Invasion
  • Construction of Berlin Wall begins

    Construction of Berlin Wall begins
    The Berlin Wall is the most known symbol of the Cold War.
    The official purpose of this Berlin Wall was to keep Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state, but it primarily served the objective of stemming mass defections from East to West.It was a major conflict of the Cold War.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Cuban Missle Crisis was a 13 day confrontation between Cuba and Soviet Union vs the USA. It almost caused a nuclear war.Russia aided Cuba on one condition that cuba let russia use them as a military base. So they did, then russia aimed nuclear missles at 3/4 of the USA. It ended on the october 28th, 1962.
    Slide 18 Cuban Missle Crisis Details
    http://alliance.la.asu.edu/consortium/GCU113Web/Transcripts/Postwar United States.pdf
  • Announcement of dispatching 200,000 U.S. troops to Vietnam

    Announcement of dispatching 200,000 U.S. troops to Vietnam
    This was the Start of the Vietnam War.
  • Soviet Union ends. Cold war ends.

    Soviet Union ends. Cold war ends.
    Once the Soviet Union was crushed completely,the cold war ended as well. There was nothing left to fight for, and the conflict disappeared.