Cold War Social Timeline

By G3R4RD0
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The start of the Cold War. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. wanted to discuss the plan on how they were to deal with Germany. Stalin wanted the Soviet Union to control all of Germany while the U.S. wanted part of it.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    The Soviet Union created a wall that divided Europe into 2 different areas the Communist controlled east and Democratic west.
  • The Suburbanites

    The Suburbanites
    Suburbs were better to live in than in the city because of the Federal Housing Administration and Veteran Administration making it economically better to live there.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    After WWII the birthrates within america sky-rocketed during the years 1945-1947, but the year 1946 had the largest amount of babies born which was estimated to be about 3.4 million babies born.
  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    After the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which ended the second world war, the U.S and the Soviet union were in a conflict between each other that lasted for about 50 years. Their very hostile social philosophies of Capitalism and Communism led to even more tension and conflict.
  • Taft Hartley Act

    Taft Hartley Act
    Act created by Robert A. Taft and Fred A. Hartley which basically restricted labour unions and the power of strikes, forcing labour unions to take "non-communist" oaths
  • Hollywood Blacklist

    Hollywood Blacklist
    The Hollywood Blacklisted is what molded the way for McCarthyism because this was the first case of major hysteria in the film industry and many were blacklisted from their jobs because they would be accused of being a communist or communist sympathizer.
  • Fair Deal

    Fair Deal
    The Fair Deal stated that all Americans have health insurance and that minimum wage would increase.
  • McCarthyism

    The very anti-communist U.S. led to McCarthyism and the red hunt which begin on 1950 and sentenced many innocent people to jail or be blacklisted from jobs.
  • Julias and Ethel Rosenburg(convicted)

    Julias and Ethel Rosenburg(convicted)
    A couple by the names of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted in 1950 and later executed for their participation in spying/espionage for the Soviet Union. This caused American citizens to fear whether the ones they trusted were communist spies.