
Cold War Multi-Genre Project

By Rcole44
  • World War 2 ends

    Japan surrenders and the allies win the second world war, just a few months after Hitler committed suicide.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine

    United States policy to help countries who are in danger of falling to communism. Supply millitary, economic and political aid. Sent $400 million specifically to Turkey and Greece.
  • Nato

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization for all allies from WW2 to have intergovernmental alliance with tensions against Soviet Union rising.
  • Cina becomes Communist

  • Korean War

    June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953. U.S fought for the south to stay democractic and China/Soviets supported the north. No official winner, never signed a peace treaty, just a ceasefire agreement.
  • Dominoe Effect

    This theory came into affet when people started to believe that if one country were to fall to communism, that the neighboring countries would become communist as well.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Created for axis powers of WW2 to retaliate NATO. Gives them intergovernmental millitary alliances. This being set up "divides the world" into 2 big parts; Allies and Axis.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    War founght to help Viretnam stay democractic. A lot of controversy came from this war after the U.S and south Vietnam lost the war. Vietnam now communist.
  • Space Race beginning/Sputnik

    First satellite goes into orbit in history and Soviet Union beat U.S. Space race was scompetition of more progress in getting people to space/ the moon/ better technology to have an advantage in the Cold War.
  • U2 plane

    U.S plane shot down and people held hostage in Soviet Union
  • Bay of Pigs

    Failed U.S invasion of cuba to take out all Soiet millitary set in the carribbean country.
  • First American in Space

    United States gets ahead again in the space race with sending the first person to outer space.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall built to divide eastern and western Berlin from democractic and communistic powers. People had families split and ones who crossed the line were shot at.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    After failed Bay of Pigs invasion, the Soviets continued to grow in Cuba. Eventually, Soviets ahd so much and all pointed at the U.S that they were the closest to an official war as ever and the closest they would ever get and all missles were set and ready to fire.
  • Tet Offensive

    Stradegy used by Soviets in war to ambush the U.S and southern Vietnam people. They had the advntage of knowing the land and having this stradgey work effectivly
  • U.S lands on moon

    U.S rocketship with Lance Armstrong and others beat the Soviets to landing on the moon
  • Gorbechav

    Makhail Gorbechav takes over for the Soviet Union and was the last leader of the Union.
  • Fall of smaller communist countries

    Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria all fail to keep communism in their country. These are neighboring countires of Soviet Union and this hurt them a lot. (Dominoe effect is shown here)
  • Hungary becomes independent from communistic power

  • Berlin Wall collapses

    People inGermany begin to knock down wall after they here communism has become weak with power. Families can come back together and democracy showing great sign of winning this long war.
  • Poland becomes independent from Communistic powers

  • Germany officially reunites as one whole country

  • Warsaw Pact ends

    Sovket Union and other countries end warsaw pact becuse of the break up of communism in these countries
  • USSR disolves

    Soviet Union offically collapses after a few years of horrible economy with spending too much on millitary and the fall of communism in other countries. U.S is more victorious in this part of war. (No one officially won this war)