Cold War Events Timeline

  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    Germany Surrendered to the western allies on may 7, 1945 and to the soviet union the next way. A week after the surrender, hitler had commited suicide, which was the end of WWII.
  • The United Nations in created

    The United Nations in created
    The United Nations was created because of the failure of League of Nations. Fifty countries led by Britain, Soviet Union, USA, and Canada met in San Francisco to create the United Nations. The main goals for the UN was to keep peace, encourage cooperation, defend human rights and promote and improve living conditions for all nations. Canada was not a permanent member but slowly gained its own seat on UN Security Council in 1948.
  • Canada Joins UN

    Canada Joins UN
    On June 1st 1945 canada joins the United Nation.
  • The Creation of NATO

    The Creation of NATO
    Canada was a leading memeber in theThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization that was created in 1949 to create a permanenet military to stop soviet expansion in europe.
  • Communists take control of China

    Communists take control of China
    On October 1st 1949 communist mao zedong had taken over china and its government, Canada had taken a big part in getting back chinas governemnt the way it was with the help of the united nations.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    South Korea gets invaded by North korea with the soviets. canada play a big role in helping the south with the UN. This event showed how much canada supported the united nations.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict with north vietnam and its southern allies. The war started in 1954, after Ho Chi Minh and his communist Viet Minh party in North Vietnam came to power and continued in the cold war between the united states and the soviet union. More than 3 million people (including 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War; more than half were Vietnamese civilians.
  • Creation of the WARSAW Pact

    Creation of the WARSAW Pact
    The warsaw pact was created in 1955, which was an defensive alliance led by the soviet union. Canada was not involved as they were a democratic country.
  • Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis

    Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis
    In 1956 Lester Pearson was sent to Suez by the United Nations to help keep peace. This event involved the British, French, and Egyptians. A war broke out between the countries after the Egyptians seized the suez canal that was created by the french and british.
  • Berlin wall is built

    Berlin wall is built
    The berlin wall was built by the soviets overnight that ran acroos the city to seperate democratic west berlin and communist east berlin. This wall became a symbol of the cold war and stopped people from escaping communism.
  • The Cuban missile crisis

    The Cuban missile crisis
    The cuban missile crisis began in 1962 when the soviets had placed nuclear missiles in cuba directed to the united states. The soviets had told the u.s that they will remove the nuclear weapons if they promised not to invade cuba.
  • USSR invades afghanistan

    USSR invades afghanistan
    The USSR had invaded afghanistan because they wanted more land and had placed over 350 missiles in easter europe.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin wall was when the cold war ended. This was also an event that helped Germany Reunite.