Cold War

  • Potsdam Conference

    The United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain meet in efforts to redraw the borders in Europe. The Soviet Union wants to put Communist governments in place in Eastern Europe. The other nations want to hold free elections and they fear Communist aggression.
  • Winston Churchill coins the term “iron curtain”

    political and militaristic border/barrier put up by the Soviet Union
  • Truman Doctrine

    Says U.S. will provide any aid needed by a democratic nation under the threat of communism
  • Marshall Plan

    Was a plan for U.S. to aid Europe to rebuild from war. U.S. got 17 billion in return
  • Berlin Blockade and Air Lift

    Soviets blocked off supplies to Berlin to prevent Germany to become unified as a democracy
  • NATO is established

    collective security against the Soviet Union
  • Soviets test first atomic bomb

  • Chinese Revolution

    chinese communist party trying to get to power
  • Korean War

    Civil War between North and South Korea. North Korea was communist
  • United States tests first hydrogen bomb

  • Stalin dies

  • Soviet Union detonates first H-Bomb

  • SEATO is established

  • CENTO established

  • Warsaw Pact

    8 communist states of central and eastern europe all sign treaty
  • Soviets launch Sputnik I

    first artificial earth satellite
  • Bay of Pigs

    failed invasion at the bay of pigs by 1400 cuban exiles
  • Berlin Wall

    wall but in middle of berlin to seperate east and west germany
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Soviets place nuclear weapons and missiles in cuba causing panic and concern in U.S.
  • Vietnam War

    Came from the idea of containment