cold war

  • Yalta conference

    what: its the first meeting of the big three Britain, US, USSR to re-draw the lines of Europe.
    where: Yalta Ukraine
    what effect it has on the cold war: it was the start of everything.
    what effect it had on liberalism: the division of Germany into 4 takes away the right of the citizen and the country itself become less Liberal.
  • korean war

    what: the US and USSR agreed to split Korea into two zones.
    where: Korea
    what effect it had on the Cold War: spilt Korea into and the US and USSR fought against each other.
    what effect it had on liberalism: took the freedom of korean.
  • Period: to

    korean war

    what: korean being split in two zones.
    where: Korea.
    on cold was: its when the North Korea invades South Korea so that they can become one, but both were pushed back 38th parallel.
    on liberalism: took away their freedom.
  • Postdam Conference

    what: second meeting of the big three.
    where: Postdam, Germany
    what effect it had on the Cold War: many see Postdam as the start of the Cold War.
    what effect it had on Liberalism: brought lock of freedom to many countries.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    what: created a doctrine to support anti-communist force in Greece and Turkey.
    where: turkey and Greece.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: helped the US get close to the USSR.
    what effect it had on Liberalism:A capitalist country helping countries that are destroyed by the war, signal's the expand of Liberalism.
  • The Marshall Plan

    what: a $ 13 billion plan to help Europe countries devastated by war to recover.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: the expansion of communism become less in Europe.
    what effect it had on Liberalism: signal's more freedom in Europe.
  • molotov plan

    what: plan is when all the east Europe countries signed and agreement.
    where: Europe
    what effect it had on the Cold War: molotov plane was for the communist and wanted lessen the capitalism.
    what effect it had on liberalism: it will take E.Europeans freedom.
  • Warsaw Pact

    what; response to NATO and Soviet Union created Warsaw Pact and security protection for the East.
    where: US
    what effect it had on the Cold War: countries had to choose between NATO and Warsaw Pact.
    what effect it had on liberalism; NATO and Warsaw Pact will help to expand liberalism between countries.

    developed to depend against military attack.
    where: US
    what effect it had on Cold War; warning system that put in space to try and eliminate the threat of attack:
    what effect it had in Liberalism; more freedom because people can be prepared to protect themselves.
  • Period: to

    The Brussels Treaty

    what: five countries Britain, France, Luxembourg, Netherland, and the Us signed to assist one another if attacked by the USSR.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: it kinda creates an alliance for the Western countries.
    what effect it had on Liberalism: the citizen of these countries will have more freedom, because they are being protected by one another.
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki Booming

    what; the US boomed Japan.
    where: Japan.
    what effect it had on Cold War: it developed a nuclear arms between the US and Soviet Union.
    what effect it had on liberalism:know thing between the US and USSR will get intense which will take the freedom of the people.
  • Soviet creation of nuclear weapon

    what; Soviet created nuclear weapon, still worried about MAD.
    where: USSR.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: arm race was happening in all countries and tensions were growing.
    what effect it had on liberalism ; took away freedom because of the tension between US and USSR.
  • Period: to


    what: established collective security protection for its members.
    Western Europe and the US.
    what effect it had on the cold war: created an alliance for its member.
    what effect it had on Liberalism: might have brought more freedom for those countries.
  • Stalin died

    what; Stalin died in 1953, Khrushchev was in places
    what effect it had on the Cold War. reduced tension between US and USSR.
    what effect it had on Liberalism; signal more freedom.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    what; a fight against the US.
    where: Vietnam.
    on Cold War; the us fought Vietnam not to turn socialist because it would increase the USSR spheres.
    on liberalism; US tried to stop them from turning into socialist, but it didn't work so they become socialist.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    what: a demonstration to a giant protest against the USSR.
    where: Hungary
    on Cold War; USSR invades Hungary and in resist 2500 people died.
    on liberalism: the Hungary fought hard but USSR were more stronger so it took there freedom away.
  • Fidel Castro

    what; a socialist revolution who overthrow the US government.
    where: Cuba
    what effect it had on the Cold War; the US stopped helping Cuba which helped the Soviet Union to be fired with Cuba and get closer to US.
    what effect it had on liberalism: it took away Cuba's freedom and cut off connection with the US.
  • end of Cuban missile crisis

    what: the US and USSR were on their edge to do extreme things.
    where; Cuba.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: rather than blowing up each other and making it the end of the world they both struck a deal that can benefit them.
    what effect it had on liberalism: more freedom because they promised each other not to boom up.
  • Bay of pigs

    what; US training Cuban to overthrow casto.
    where: cuba
    what effect it had on the Cold War; bay of pigs was a fail, in that soviets union also brought missiles to Cuba to bomb US.
    what effect it had on liberalism: it took away there freedom because USSR was using them for their benefit.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    what; built to keep East Germany from escaping to west.
    where; Berlin
    what effect it had on the Cold War; iron curtain between east and west.
    what effect it had on liberalism: took away their freedom because the Germany had to stay in the communism .
  • Nuclear Arms Treaties

    what: anti-ballistic missiles treaty between US and USSR.
    where: Helsinki Finland.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: calms thing down, because the missiles are frozen.
    what effect it had on Liberalism; more freedom.
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan/ USSR war

    what: USSR invading Afghanistan to support the Marxism government.
    where: Afganistan.
    what effect it had on the Cold War. fall of communist.
    what effect it had on liberalism: USSR tried to take afghans freshman, but failed.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    what: trade union formed called Solidarity.
    where; Helsinki Finland.
    what effect it had on the Cold War: led to an election in 1989 and Walesa a liberal was elected, this led to a huge anti-Soviet movement.
    what effect it had on Liberalism; started a movement for more freedom.
  • Berlin wall falling

    what: the falling if the wall dividing east and west Germany
    Where: Berlin
    What effect it had on cold war: It was the signaling of the end of the iron curtain.
    What effect it had on liberalism When the Berlin wall fall, liberalism expanded into the East Germany for the first time many years.
  • Berlin block aid

    what; US were providing aid to the east Germany.
    where; Berlin.
    what effect it had on the Cold War; USSR left the Germany in poverty so the US proved resources to east.
    what effect it had on liberalism: more freedom because the Berlin was speaking to change.
  • End of the Cold War

    what; the end of the Cold War.
    East and West
    what effect it had on the Cold War: it ended the war.
    what effect it had on Liberalism; more freedom