Early cold war

  • House Committee on Un-American Activities

    In 1945 the Committee on Un-American Activities was established as a permanent govern committed.With the goal of investigating private citizens who where suspected of having communist and fascist ties.Though following the failure of McCarty led to the dieing down of the red scare and for the committee to also lose support.
  • Yalta conference

    With the war clearly in the favor of the allies the big three Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin meet to decide the fate of Europe and japan.Stalin agrees to join the war in the east against japan.They also agree to carve up Germany between them. Tension rises however when Stalin refuses to give up control of eastern Europe. Justifying that Poland had been used as a corridor to attack Russia..
  • Death of FDR

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on the 12 of April.This did not really affect the cold war.As by then the future of Europe had already been decided.So his death did not really affect either the second world war or the cold war.
  • Divsion of germany

    Following the war Germany was divided in four parts. One by the soviet union and the rest by great Britain, France, and the united states, As first things were stable. People could travel from one end to the other. However, tension temporally heated up as joseph Stalin did not believe France deserve to have a spot of germany.And only agree to allow it if the France-occupied zone came out of the British and American zone. And not the soviet.
  • Postdam conference

    Postdam conference
    In this final meeting of the three main ally nations, the future of Europe and Japan was decided. They agree to allow japan to keep its emroprer. But demand unconditional surrender. And they also agree to allow china and France into the security council of the UN>
  • Nuking of Hiroshima

    The nuking of Hiroshima help end ww2.As it pushes the Japanese to surrender.
  • Surrender of japen

    The surrender of japan contributed to tension in the cold war as it brought japan completely under the control of the untied states.Preventing a situation similar to what happened in Korea.
  • Iron curtain speech

    Following the war now-former prime minister Winston Churchill traveled to Fulton Missouri and which he gave a speech criticizing the soviet union and calling their hold on Europe the iron curtain. As a counter to this, he urged for a close relationship between the British commonwealth and the united states. And greater European integration.
  • McCarthyism red scare

    The red scare of the 1940s and 1950s saw the blacklisting and carers of thousand of people being ruined.As suspected communist were essianlly hunted down and well not being killed or arrested they had there cares and futures ruind
  • Truman doctrine

    With the rise of the soviet union, the Truman doctrine was implemented in order to fight back against communism by providing aid to countries that were threatened by a communist takeover.The first recipients of such aid were mainly Greece and turkey. This would be the foundation of American foreign policy to prevent the rise of communism wherever possible.
  • Marshall plan

    The marshall plan was implemented to help rebuild Europe. However, it was not done to purely humanitarian reasons.As it was believed that rebuilding Europe would help prevent communism from taking hold in the population.So it was partially a geopolitical move against the soviet union.
  • Berlin crisis

    The city of Berlin was inside the soviet controlled part of Germany. But it was divided between the soviet union and the western allies. This dissatisfied the soviet union. And in an attempt to force the western allies to give up berlin the soviet union blockaded berlin to prevent supplies from reaching the city.But the allies simply got around it by riding supplies via plane.
  • Formation of nato

    Nato was formed as a precaution against the soviet union. Essainlly ensuring that each country in nato would back the others in case of war with the soviet union.This would eventually led to the soviet union forming the warsaw pack as a counter
  • Detonation of soviet bomb

    After years of exploitation and espionage, the soviet union developed there own nuclear bomb. This led to the nuclear arms race.As both sides race to make more and better nuclear weapons. And also introduced the concept of mutually assured destruciton.
  • Fall of china

    After numerous victories that all but ensured their victory, the communist leader Mao Zedong declared victory.As his rival and most of his remaining soldiers retreated to the island of taiwan.This would remain a point as tension as the Chinese refused to accept anything less than full control of what they view as china.And would not be satisfied with only part of it.
  • Korean war

    North korea invaded south korea leading to us intervention to back south Korea.Which in turn led to Chinese intervention to back the north.And it also saw direct conflict between Chinese and amirican forces.
  • Chinese invasion of Tibet

    The Chinese viewed parts of china that were outside china proper such as Tibet as being rightful there's. Leading to the invasion of Tibet. Which had once been part of the Chinese qing empire. For now, the Chinese attempted to keep the traditional Tibetan power structure.Just with them in charge.But this failed to satisfy anyone. And many in the west viewed Tibet as a potential ally in the cold war against china.
  • Developing of hydrogen bomb

    As part of the nuclear arms race, the hydrogen bomb was developed.Like with the nuclear bomb before it led to the soviet union and other countries each seeking to devolpe there own bomb.