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Cold war

  • Aug 8, 1111

    agent orange

    gas that kill plants.
  • A-Bomb

    President Truman used the first A-Bomb.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Gave 400 million in economic and military aid to greece and turkey.
  • Marshall Plan (ERP)

    European recovery plan.
    16 countries received aid.
    13 billion in aid given to rebuild western Europe.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Stalin cut off supplies into West Berlin.
    US airlift food and supplies into the city.
  • Nato

    North Atlantic treaty organization.
    Collective security.
    Had to be democracy.
  • Seato

    South East Asian treaty organization.
    US +7 other nations.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Like the Truman doctrine but for the middle east.
    Offered economic and military support if communism threatenednthe middle east.
  • Period: to

    space race

    Sputnik launched the U.S and the Soviet Union on the space race. The U.S wasnt the first in space but put the first man on the moon.
  • Period: to

    Berlin wall

    Construction of the wall began in 1961
  • iron curtain

    invisible line the was like a cution for comunism.
  • Berlin Wall

    The day the wall was brought down by the people and many others.