cold war

By zarek28
  • world war 2 ends

    world war 2 ends
    the reason that world war 2 ended is because harry truman drop a atom bomb on japan.
  • first country to use a-bomb

    first country to use a-bomb
    America was the first to drop a atom bomb on heroshima japan.
  • usa leaders

    usa leaders
    dwight Eisenhower
    harry truem
    franklin d roseavelt
  • truman doctrine

    he donated 400 million dollars to economic and millitary issues
  • marshall plan

    european recovery plan 16 countrys were there
  • iron curtains

    iron curtains
    imaginary lines in russia for communism to nor spread.
  • berlin airlift

    this stallin made to keep the usa from delivering food and supplys to berlin.
  • nato

    north Atlantic treaty collective security.
  • stalin dies

    stalin dies
    while in 1953 jospeh stallin dies.
  • seato

    south east asain treaty us + 7 other nation to prevent domino effect.
  • Eisenhower doctrine

    gave aid to the middle east economic and military support.