Coke logo timeline

  • inserting the trademark

    inserting the trademark
    This was added to the first change of the coke logo. Its a trademark as in it gives it its own unique picture. Just this little change makes it a trademark.
  • Extra swirls

    Extra swirls
    For this one year they added swirls to try and make it better than it is. In the end nobody liked it. It was way too much and it then went back to the original logo.
  • Tail Tweaked

    Tail Tweaked
    During this time it was redesigned. The words were moved out of the tail in the C. Noted as the US Patt off.
  • A fishy shape

    A fishy shape
    This is one that they believed would be a hit. Considering it went back to its original it obviously wasnt. Also known as Arciform logo.
  • That famous white wave

    That famous white wave
    Dynamic Ribbon Device whioch is still used till this day. The arden square logo is another name for it. First time the white wave stuck with the logo.
  • Keeping it real

    Keeping it real
    The logo was enhanced. Not only did it have the white ribbon it also had a yellow ribbon. Thinking that this woul help the product sell.
  • a classic design

    a classic design
    In the end they decided to stick with the original logo. The bold logo with the white ribbon. Pretty basic but good enough to sell.