
  • Period: 100 to


  • 200

    The start

    people got the idea of wearing clothes
  • 500

    getting used to clothes

    people started to care how there clothes looked and tried to make them look stylelish and tried to wear more clothes
  • Nov 4, 1400

    Big clothes

    Big clothes
    the european people started wearing epulets (big cuffs around there shoulders)
  • colorful clothes

    colorful clothes
    people started wearing brightly colored clothes to represent peace and happinss
  • In the present

    In the present
    Now a days people usually wear clothes with flower designs for a girl and for a boy he would wear a sparts jersey or maybe a shirt that said miami university
  • In the future

    I think people will wear stuff that glows or is so flashy will look like it glows