Clash of Cultures

  • Period: to

    Clash of Cultures

  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    Geronimo and Apache indians were persuaded by the U.S. army and then led my genreral George Crook. He left the reservation and went to Sierra madre mountain where he continued his life.
  • Medicine Lodge Treaty

    Medicine Lodge Treaty
    It was a treaty signed by U.S. officials who forced the Comanache, Kiowa, Cheyenne, and other southern nations to sign this treaty. Those nations would be moved to reservations in what is now western oklahoma.
  • 2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie

    2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
    In sometime during the spring of 1868 they had a conference at Fort Laramie. The resulted in a treay with the Sioux. The treaty was made to bring peace betweens the whites and the Sioux. This was because they both wanted the Black Hills. The Black Hills were very sacred to the Sioux. But the Black Hills had gold in them so the U.S. them. So the Sioux agreed to settle in the Black Hills in the Dakota territory.
  • Ghost Dance movement begins

    Ghost Dance movement begins
    The people had lost their food, land, and homes. So in desperation the indians turned to their religion. Wovoka a shaman of the northern paiute in nevada was known as the healer who could bring rain. Wovoka learned about the christianity. He told the people about God and they did a dance 5 nights in a row called the Ghost Dance.
  • Battle of Palo Duro Canyon

    Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
    It was one of the most significant battles of 1874 to 1875. The troops wehn and harrased the indians for over six months. Some of the troops followed the indians back to their camp. They took horses from the indians and burned their supplies. Some of the indians died but knowing they werent going to win the indians went back to their reservations.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    In the Colorado territory, a band of Cheyenne raided nearby ranches in 1864. Cheyenne Back Kettle wanted peace. He led his troops back. But John M. Chivington didn't want peace. He brought 700 troops to sand creek that same night. They killed 150 mostly women, children, and elderly people.
  • Battle of the Little Big Horn

    Battle of the Little Big Horn
    Lakota Sioux conducted raids against white sttlers who had moved into Soiux lands. This situation was turmed over to the military. 2,000 Soiux, Cheyenne, and Aropaho all went to the Little Bighorn river. On June25, 1876 Custer led his troops to attack. Custer was slaughtered and this was a great victoory for Sioux.
  • Relocation of the Nez Perce

    Relocation of the Nez Perce
    This war all started in 1877. It was between the U.S. army, and the Perce indians. This war started all because the U.S. wanted land. So they started a war and Captain Joesph was the leader. He was trying to get it so the Nez Perce could keep their land and not the U.S.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    Colonel James Forsyth ordered the Souix to give up their rifles. But black coyote didnt want to give up his gun, and when the soilders were trying to get his gun his gun accidentally went off. Then all of the soilders began shooting again. Half the Souix men were killed right away. At the end of the fight 300 men, women, and children were foound dead. Bodies of children and women were found as far as three miles from the camp.