Civil War Timeline

  • First Battle:Bull Run

    First Battle:Bull Run
    Location:Manassas, Virginia. Fairfax County and Prince William County
    Union Generals:Irvin McDowell and Joseph E. Johnston, P.G.T. Beauregard
    Union Troop Strength: 28,400 troops
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet and Stonewall Jackson
    Confederate Troop Strength: 22,000 troops
    Casualties:Union-2,700 Confederate-2,000
    Results: The confederate won the battle but both sides suffered casualties.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Location: Shiloh, Tennessee
    Union Generals: Ulyssess S. Grant and Don Carlos Buell
    Union Troop strengh: 66,000
    Confederate generals: Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T Beaurguard
    Confederate Troop strengh:44,700 Casualties:
    Union - 1754
    Confederate - 1,782 Results: Union Won
    Effects: Union killed less people and still won
  • Battle of Monitor Merrimack

    Battle of Monitor Merrimack
    Location: Hampton Roads Virginia
    Union Generals: Louis M, Golds burg
    Union troop strength: Iron clad ships
    Confederate Generals: Franklin Buchanan
    Confederate troop strength: 1 ironclad ship
    Casualties on both sides: union-500 confederate-100
    Neither of the two won because they both claimed victory
    They started to sink the ships and changing navel warfare
  • Second Bull Run

    Second Bull Run
    Location:Prince William County, Virginia
    Union Generals: John Pope
    Union Troop Strength: 77,000
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troop strength: 50,000 troops Casualties:
    Union - 14,000
    Confederate - 5,000 Results - Confederate won
    Effects: The confederate was in the same place twice and won
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Union General: Mag, Gen, Ulysses S. Grant
    Union Troop strength: 75,000
    Confederate Generals:Lt. Gen, John C. Pemberton
    Confederate troop strengh:34,000 Casualties:
    Confederate:3,300 with nearly 30,000 captured Results:Union Got the win
    Effect:The civil war got affected because union got full control of Mississippi river.
  • Gettysburg Day 1

    Gettysburg Day 1
    Location:Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    General of Union:George G. Meade
    Union troop strengh:82,289 troops
    Confederate general: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troops strengh:75,000 troops
    Casualties:Union - 23,049
    Confederate - 28,063 Results:Union won
    Effects:Union had less people and still won.
  • Gettysburg Day 2

    Gettysburg Day 2
    Location: GettysBurg, Pennsylvania
    General of Union: George G. Meade
    Union troop strength: 82,829 troops
    confederate general: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troop strength: 75,000 Casualties
    Confederate:6500 Results: Union won
    Effect:Won twice in the same place
  • Gettysburg Day 3

    Gettysburg Day 3
    Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    General of Union: George G. Meade
    Union troop strength:104,256
    Confederate general: George Pickett
    Confederate troop strength: 75,000 Casualties:
    Union - 23,049
    Confederate - 23,000 - 28,000 Results - Union Won
    Effect: Confederate won 3 times in a row and destroyed them
  • Sherman March to the sea

    Sherman March to the sea
    Union Generals: William T. Sherman
    Union troop strength: 150000
    Confederate generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troop strengh: 28,000 Casualties:
    Confederate:500 Results:Union got the win
    Effect: The confederate surrendered his army of northern Virginia to union
  • Battle of Appomattox courthouse

    Battle of Appomattox courthouse
    Location:Appomattox courthouse, Virginia
    Union General: Ulysses S. Grant
    Union troop strength: 120,000
    Confederate General: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troop strengh: 30,000 Casualties:
    Confederate: 440 killed and 2700 surrendered Results: Union won
    Effect: Confederate was made to surrender.