Civil war 1863 ipad game

Civil War Timeline

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Union- Major Anderson
    Confederacy-General PT Beauregard
    South Won
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    Union-General Iruin McDonell
    Confederacy-Genera PT Beauregard and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
    Confederacy won
    Important because it was the first war and changed the view on the war
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Union- Ulyssess G. Grant and William "Tacumseh" Sherman
    Confederacy- General Beauregard
    Union won
    Importat?- Strategic win toward Union control of MI River
  • Fall of New Orleans

    Fall of New Orleans
    Union- Captain David Ferragut
    Union won
    Important?- Completed the Union control of MI river, South couldn't use the part of the river to carry goods to sea
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Union-General McClen
    Confederacy- General Lee
    It was a tie
    Important? McClen had Lee's plans, it was the "Bloodiest Day in American History"
  • Bttle of Fredricksburg

    Bttle of Fredricksburg
    Union-General Burnside
    Confederacy- Genral Lee
    Confederacy won
    South won again
  • Battle of Chancellsville

    Battle of Chancellsville
    Union-General Hooker
    Confederacy- General Lee and General Jackson
    Confederacy won
    Ruin Union plan of attacking Richmond
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Union- General Meade
    Confederacy-General Lee and General Picket
    Union won
    Ended Confederate hope of help from Britian and France, "The Day the South Died" the turning point of war
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Union- General Ulyassas S. Grant
    Confederacy split in half and lost contol of MI river
  • Wilderness Campaign

    Wilderness Campaign
    -Between Washington D.C. and Richmond
    -Brushfires burned live 200 wounded men
    -Grant was called a "butcher"
    -Lincoln defeated Grant because he was a fighter
    -Started the 6 bloodiest weeks of war
  • Farragut at Mobile Bay

    Farragut at Mobile Bay
    Union - David Farragut
    Confederates attacked with topredos and fired on ships
    Union won
    Union took last Southern part east of MI
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Union- Sharman
    Sherman and his men are destroyers
    They will invade everyhting to the Atlantic Ocean
    Destroyed anything useful to the house
    Took food, tore up railroad lines and fields, and killed livestock
  • Fall of Richmond/Surrender at Appomattox

    Fall of Richmond/Surrender at Appomattox
    -Davis and Cabinet lead the city
    -African Americans followed singing, laughing, and reaching out to touch him
    Surrender at Appomattox
    -Lee continued to fight
    -Surrounded and a final train captured
    -Lee accepted to surrender to Grant
    -Grant met with Lee to dicuss the end of war