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Civil war Timeline

By kariso
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The Confederacy won this Battle. It took place on April 12th 1861. This battle took 36 hours to finish. The South won because they bombed the North. It is important because it was the very first battle in the Civil War.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    The Confederacy won this battle. They were very prepared and had better supplies. The south had better trained troops. This battle is important because the people in the town wee involved because they came to watch.
  • Shiloh

    This was the first battle in the civil war that the north won. It happened because Johnston made a suprise attack on Grant. It was the bloodiest battle of all time. It took place in Tenisee. The union had more men and reinforcment.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln made this Praclamation to free the slaves. He only freed the slaves in the south. He didnt free the slaves in the north because he needed their labor.The slaves didnt want to be freed because they were safe and had their every day needs. This event was important because it only fed the fire with the south. This happened simply because of an effort in war.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    The Gettysburg adress was a speech that was givin. This happened because Lincoln didnt want to give a speech to hurt the confederacy. It was about how we needed to grow as a union. This was important because it helped people look at the war from a different perspective.He wanted to show the equality between all humans.
  • Shermans March to the sea

    Shermans March to the sea
    The union won this battle. They burned an entire town to frighten the people. 60000 people in total died during this battle. This was important because they burned a lot of the south's goods and supplies. This happened in 1864 in Georgia.