Civil War Timeline

  • Sugar Act

    The British aimed to stop all smuggling of sugar and molasses. The British made every boat that was docked to be inspected so there would be no more smuggling.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was a tax on all colonies which taxed almost all printed material. It was an attempt to raise money for Britain.
  • Stamp Act crisis

    In response to the stamp act colonists formed the Sons and Daughters of liberty. They also feathered and tarred a British man who tried to stop goods entering the port.
  • Declaratory Act

    The declaratory act repealed the stamp 3act but said they could still tax them. The British also asserted their authority to tax the colonists whenever they wanted.
  • Revenue Act

    Colonists hated the Sugar Act so much that they boycotted molasses and sugar which made the British repeal the act. This act reduced that tax to 1 cent per gallon on molasses. 1 cent back then was $3 now.
  • Townshend act

    The Townshend act taxed goods imported from the American colonies. The act was made to make money for the costs of the French and Indian war.
  • Boston Massacre

    After being hit from the crowd, one British soldier fired and killed a protester, other soldiers fired and this was labeled as the Boston Massacre.
  • Tea Act

    The tea act was made to try and help the British East India Company. The act simply allowed the company to ship tea directly to the colonies without having to land in England.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston people had enough of all the taxes and laws the British were putting against them, The Boston people decided to throw over 1 million dollars in tea into the ocean because that is what the British was taxing the most.