Civil War Timeline -1861 - 1865

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    Civil war

  • Attack on Fort Sumpter

    Attack on Fort Sumpter
    Confederate troops started shelling Fort Sumpter. After a 34 hour barage, the union surrendered and only two lives were lost.
  • All the States Secede

    All the States Secede
    Tennessee left the union to fight in the Civil War for the confederacy. When Tennessee left the union, the confederacy was formed completely.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    McDowel and his men suffer a huge defeat only 25 miles from Washington. The union soldiers ran after a charge by the confederacy. This motivated the south because the north was so easy to beat.
  • Union soldiers occupy Hatteras Island

    Union soldiers occupy Hatteras Island
    Union soldiers occupied Hatteras Island in North Carolina. They took island and held it for the whole war.
  • Davis Elected

    Davis Elected
    Jeffreson Davis was elected as the president of the Confederate States of America for a six year term.
  • Union army/navy forces take Fort Henry

    Union army/navy forces take Fort Henry
    The unin army sent ships down the Tennessee River to attack and capture Fort Henry. The union army followed up with the attack and took the fort.
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Battle of Hampton Roads
    This was the first battle of two iron clad ships, the C.S.S Virginia and the U.S.S Monitor. The two ships went at it off the coast of a town called Hampton Roads. The battle was a draw because neither side could penetrate the armor of the other ship with cannonballs.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    This battle ended up like the last battle of bull run, the confederate won. Even though the union outnumbered the confederacy by a little more than 10,000 men, they still lost a bad defeat. McClellan was too too cautious and didn't want to loose many men. He retreated because the south scared them off.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln gives a speech that frees the slaves in all non-union controlled states/cities. This confused many northerners because they thought lincoln was going to free all slaves. He did this so that the boarder states wouldn't leave the union and fight for the south.
  • Balcks enlist in the army

    Black soldiers were recruited into the war and proved to be effective soldiers.
  • Joseph Hooker is Hired as Commander of Army

    Joseph Hooker is Hired as Commander of Army
    Joseph Hooker is put in charge of the whole union army after Gen. Burnside got fired.
  • The Union Starter a Draft System

    The Union Starter a Draft System
    The union army was getting weaker because they didn't have enought troops. The draft made young men join the army without choice or pay $300 and not do any service.
  • Stonewall Jackson Dies

    Stonewall Jackson Dies
    Stonewall Jackson was a very great member of the confederate forces. He and his men fought off a union attack single handedly. When he died from gun shot wounds, the whole south mourned his death.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    IGen. Robert E. Lee marched his men to find shoes in Gettysburg, PA. They didn't expect there to be any conflict. The two armies found eachother and took their ridges. The north had a better ridge(it was elevated from the ground and all the union had to do was siat and pick off the mile wide charge. The union won the battle and it was a huge tide turner for the whole war.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The union needed to take the Mississippi River to take the rest of the south, and the last fort that needed to be taken was Ft. Vicksburg. The union navy bombarded it for six weeks and they eventually surrendered. This cut off the south from it's allies in the west.
  • Attack on Cold Harbor

    Attack on Cold Harbor
    Grant and his army needed to attack Cold Harbor, and he did. He sent his men to attack the fort, and he lost a little over 7000 men. He couldn't make a final attack, so he had to retreat.
  • Union Army Misses Oppertunity to cut off Confederate Railroads

    General Grant misses his oppertunity to wipe out some of the Confederate army and get rid of some railroads.
  • McClellan Runs for President Agunst Lincoln

    McClellan Runs for President Agunst Lincoln
    McClellan Runs for President Agunst Lincoln because Lincoln fired him twice from his job(McClellan thougth he was amazing) as the general of the war.
  • Sherman's Army Captures Atlanta, GA

    Sherman's Army Captures Atlanta, GA
    Sherman and his men take the city of Atlanta. This was a huge push for the war for the union because Atlanta was a big southern city.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    Sherman and his 62,000 men walked to the sea from Atlanta, Georgia. He destroyed confederate forces defending their home, and he pilaged towns and destroyed things. This hurt southern morale.
  • Lincoln meets for peace

    Lincoln meets for peace
    A peace conference occurs as President Lincoln meets with Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at Hampton Roads in Virginia, but the meeting ends in failure and the war continues.
  • Attack on Petersburg

    Attack on Petersburg
    The last offensive for Lee's Army of Northern Virginia begins with an attack on the center of Grant's forces at Petersburg. Four hours later the attack is broken.
  • Robert E. Lee Surenders

    Robert E. Lee Surenders
    Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Grant allows Rebel officers to keep their sidearms and permits soldiers to keep horses and mules.
  • Lincoln is Assassinated

    Lincoln is Assassinated
    President Lincoln gets shot in the back of the head by John Wilks Booth. The whole country mournes his death.
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    The 13th amendment is passed and all slaves are freed in the united states. The country is whole and equal again... or is it!