Civil War in the US and Texas

  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    When the Democratic party was split into two based one pro and against slavery, The Republican party was the largest. Abraham Lincoln was elected, and was against slavery like all republicans. Because of the electon of Lincoln, The slavery states decided they would not stay in the United States with a President against slavery. The south thought that with a Republcan president, slaver would be aggresively gotten rid of, which started the begginings of the civil war.
  • Period: to

    Civil War in the US and Texas

    A Timeline of the Civil war
  • Texas seceeds from the Union

    Texas seceeds from the Union
    Texas secedes from the Union like other agricultual states. No one wins or loses, but both sides were affected. Loss of Texas to the union meant the Union loss land. Texas seceding also brought the freedom to trade with Euorpe, and keep slaves. This further prepared for the civil war, becasue the Union believed no state was allowed to just seperate from the country.
  • Houston kicked out of office

    Houston kicked out of office
    Sam Houstons was stongly opposed of secession from the Union, and bacasue of the minority that supported staying with the Union, he was kicked out of office. Sam Houston knew that if they secded, the southern way of life would dissapear. This impactd the Civil War by Texas cucesfully joing the Confederates, and losing a strong general for the South.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    When Brig. Gen. Beauregard demanded that Fort Sumter was to be surrender, the Union commander Anderson redused. The confederate soldiers bombarded the Fort. Major Anderson suurendered the fort, leading to the first victory of the Confderate union. This began the Civil War, and only had four Union casualties.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    When hearing that the Confederate leaders decided the city was indefenisble, many left: and more left when an evacuatation occured after the Union forming a blockade. The Federal troops took over the island in a bloodless battle. At the early hours of New Years day, the confedeate troops took baxk the island, knowing the union habiat of barricading at wharves at night. the Confederates won. After that, the Union put a blockade around Galveston. This affected the Confederate by blocking a port.
  • Battle of Gettysberg

    Battle of Gettysberg
    General Robert E. Lee gathered his force to attack the Union. On July 1st, Confederate forces attacked the town from the north and west, driving the Union through the streets to cementary hill. That night, reinforcements came for both sides. the next day the Confederacy attacked the Unions left and right flank. The union retaliated and the next day the Confederates attacked witha charge, which broke the line of the Union, but did not win the battle. It was a victory for the north, turning point.
  • Battle of Sabine pass

    Battle of Sabine pass
    A land vs sea battle, The Union attempted to supply factories with cotton and stop the south's commercial trade of cotten. 3 Union attacked a small confederate fort withonly 50 Confederate soldiers, and 4 cannons compared to the Unions 5,000 men. The Confederate soldiers were sharpshooters, and won the battle winning two gunboats and 300 Union soldiers taken prisoner. This secured the South from the Union, which allowed the south to comercially trade and no Union men in Texas.
  • Red River campaign

    Red River campaign
    A federal attempt to capture Shreveport Louisiana to deny supplies for the Confederate forces. the Union troops marched, and weere delayed by low water that slowed the ships going down rapids. The Union confronted the Codfederacy 3 miles down from Manisfield. The Confederates with 8,800 men killed 700 kand 1,500 took prsioner as well as captured 30 artillary pieces. When retreadting, the union forces burned everything in their path. It was a Southern victory, but the Union burned as they left.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    When retreating from the Union army, robert E Lee was surrouned. Another army of the North had cut off his retreat, and Lee was forced to request a meeting with Ulysess S. grant. The meeting was held at Appomattox Court House, and the Union demandeed tthe susrrender of the Confederacy. Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major army of the south, but the Confederacy itself did not surrender. This was the end of the possibility of vict0ry for the south, and eventually led to victory for the North.
  • Battle of Pamlito Ranch

    Battle of Pamlito Ranch
    The last act of the Revolution, the Federals encountered the confederate calvalry. The confederates won that skirmish, nut the Union was reinforced witha tottal of 500 men, but the Texans were reinforced with a total of 300 men. The confederates bombarded the Union with artillary, and chased them 9 miles. The confederates won the battle, but at the same time the Confederate was disbanding.
  • Juneteenth

    2 years ago, the Emancipation Proclomation freeing all slaves. The people of Texas had not heard of this untill June 19. This was the day that slaves were freed in Galveston, This was a victory for the North, and affected all in the south when hearing slaves were freed.
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    This was the end of the North's effort for Racial equality, and the African Americans started to become mistreated in the South. When African Americans got the right to vote, societies that believed in white supremecy. One, the Ku Slux Klan ommited violent crimes against Republican leaders. In 1871 and 1872 Federal marshals brought to court most of the society. The election of 1876 tuned out with a Republican President, but a Democrat in control of the south, ending reconstruction,