Civil War Annotated Timeline

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    On April 12-14,1861 was the starting and ending of Fort Sumter. It happend in Charlston County. The commanders that served were Major Robert Anderson And General P.G.T.Beauregard. It was a confederate victory. At 2:30pm on April 13, Major Anderson surrenderd at Fort Sumter, evacuating to the Garrison the following day.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    Union and Confederate forces met at Manassas, Virginia. Both sides planed to attack.The confederate forces relized quickly that the Union plan moved forces to attack upon their left flank. It was a Confederate victory. Approximatly 5,000 men died, 3,000 were Union soldiers.
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Battle of Hampton Roads
    On March 8,1862 the Battle of Hampton Roads started, and ended March 9,1862. The Lieutenates who fought in the battle were Union Lieutenate John Warden, Confederate Lieutenate Franklin Buchanan and Lieutenate Catesby R.Jones.There were 433 casulties of wich 409 were Union soldiers. It was in the town of Hamton Roads, Virginia.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    On April 6-7,1862 was the starting and ending dates of the battle. It was in the town Shiloh, Tennessee.The generals who fought in the war were General Ulysses S.Grant,General Don Carlos Buell, General Albert Sidney Johnston and General P.G.T Beauregard. The confederates lost their leader through a stray bullet.
  • second Battle of Bull Run

    second Battle of Bull Run
    The Second Battle of Bull Run, was called by the confederacy. The Second Battle of Bull Run was fought in the year August 28-30, 1862, as part of the American Civil War. It was an offensive campain waged by Confederate General E. Lee's army against major- General Pope. It was a battle of much larger scale and numbers than the first Battle of Bull Run.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam started September 16,1862,and ended September 18,1862. It took place in Sharpsburg, Maryland. The 2 generals that fought were General McClellan and General Robert E.Lee. the Battle of Antietam forced the confederates to retreat across the Potomac River. The result of the battle was inconclusive and the North won with a strategic advantage. There were also 23,100 casualties.
  • Battle of Frefericksburg

    Battle of Frefericksburg
    The Battle of Fredericksburg started on December 11-15,1862. it was one of the largest and deadliest battles of the Civil War. The Union and the Confederate troops fought in the streets of Fredericksburg.They had nearly 200,000 combats,and no other Civil War battle feschured a large concentration of soldiers. The battle was led by Gen.Franklin, and Gen.Lee.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Emancipation Proclimation
    Lincoln read the first draft of the document to his personal cabinet members on July 22,1862. After some changes,he issued a preliminary virsion on September 22, which had specified that the Final document would take effect on January 1,1863 .Slaves in the confederate states which were not back in the confederate states were free,but the slaves in the border states werre not affected.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    On April 30- May 6, 1863, The Battle of Chancellorsville took place. The Battle took place in a town in Chancellorsville, Virginia. It was a confederate victory, 24,000 people out of 14,000 Union soldierds died. This battle was one of General Lee's greatest victory.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburg happened on may 18- July 4,1863. The place where it happened was Vicksburg, Mississippi. The Union General was General Grant,and the Confederate General was General Pemberton. It was a Union victory 19,233 casualties ,and 10,142 were union soldiers. It was signifigant because the loss of Pemberton's army split the confedericy in half.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg started July 1,1863 and ended July 3,1863. The generals that led the two sides were General Robert E.Lee and General George G. Meade. During the Battle of Gettysburg more men fought and died than in any battle in American history. More than 2,000 engagements of the Civil War, Gettysburg ranks to supreme.
  • siege of Alanta

    siege of Alanta
    The Seige of Atlanta started on May 5,1864 and ended on August 31,1864.The leaders were General William T.Sherman and General Joseph E. Johnston. it took place in Atlanta.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
    Tree miles Northwest at the former country seat, also known as the Appomattox Courtcouse. The Appomattox Courthouse was the destenation that Robert E.Lee surendered to General Grant ending the Civil War. General Lee surrendered on April 12,1865.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was assassined on April 14 1865 at 10 :00 pm.He died the following morning on April 15 1865. He waas assassined by John Wilkes Booth at the Fords Theater. Booth assassinated Lincoln because he thought that it would aid the south. Lincoln was taken to his burial site in a nine car train to the destination in Springfield, Illinois.
  • Rtification of the 13th amendment

    Rtification of the 13th amendment
    The Ratification of the 13th Amendment was adopted on December 6,1865. This amendment conntinues to prohibit the actions of slavery and involrntary solituude exept for any type of crime. It was passedd by the Senate on April 8,1864,it was passed by the House on January 31,1865. The Secretary of state William Howard, in a Proclimation declared to have been adopted.