civil war and reconstruction

  • attack on fort sumtter

    attack on fort sumtter
    Early in the morning confederate guns shelled the fort and continued into tomorrow ending at 2:30 p.m.
    The battle itself had no casualties but during the flag lowering ceremony one of the cannons exploded killing two union troops.
    This is considered the start of the american civil war.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    lasted nearly 2 months.
    the victory by the union army granted the union complete control of the Mississippi river.
    the victory also divided the the confederate states in two.
  • second battle of fort Wagner

    second battle of fort Wagner
    most famous battle of the 54th Massachusetts.
    improved the image of the black man in the north.
    the attack was unsuccessful.
  • founding of the KKK

    founding of the KKK
    Originally a peaceful pro south group before it became an extremist group.
    well known for its lynching and harassment of African Americans.
    had several laws made to destroy the group.
  • first impeachment

    first impeachment
    first time an american president was impeached.
    was impeached for breaking several rules though tensions had been building for months.
    the move failed to remove Johnson from power.
  • great compromise

    great compromise
    put Rutherford Hayes into office.
    caused the north to pull all troops out of the south.
    effectively ended reconstruction.