1st gen ipad

CIS 105 Technology Development Timeline

  • iPad first introduced

    iPad first introduced
    Introduced by Apple in 2010.
  • 4G Networks

    4G Networks
    4G became nationally available by the end of 2011, making app usage easier and more efficient. The first company to introduce this technology was TeliaSonera in Europe, and now 10 countries have 4G capabilities.
  • Oculus VR

    Oculus VR
    The first major consumer VR system is introduced by Oculus, invented by Palmer Freeman Luckey
  • Alexa is born

    Alexa is born
    Amazon introduces the Echo and Alexa voice assistant devices.
  • Nintendo switch

    Nintendo switch
    Nintendo reinvents itself with a more portable full gaming experience, mixing the abilities to function both with TVs and on the go. Credit for invention goes to Nintendo's Senior Executives Shinya Takahashi and Yoshiaki Koizumi.