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  • What is the CIA?

    What is the CIA?
    The CIA stands for "Central Inteligence Agency" created by FDR in 1947.
  • CIA is made

    CIA is made
    source In july of 1941 FDR created the first central inteligence agency.
  • Why the CIA was created?

    The CIA was created to replace the world war 2 oss because having the correct inteligene durring the cold war as essential at this time.
  • What was the CIA's Purpose?

    sourceThe CIA's original purpose after world war 2 was to stop the spread of soilviet spys and the spread of communism among the United states of america. Now the CIA is more baced on putting terrorism in the united states to an end.
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    VP Nixon who had ties with the mob had potted out a plan with the CIA to assassinate castro. Nixon was sure to be president but instead JFK was elected. Because he was elected JFK inherited the problemsand plans of this. JFK also wanted castro gone as much as everyone else but he refused to use US forces to do so, Instead he wanted to use cuban exiles. The invasion failed and put away.
  • Castro

    SourceThe CIA hired the mafia to kill Castro. The hired mobs hitman was almost assassisinated. He was one of eight JFK-backed exile leaders chosen to head a post-Castro government, but Nixon had them detained during the invasion.
  • BCCI The crooked bank

    BCCI The crooked bank
    sourceThe CIA has many "front companies" throughout the united states. BCCI bank was not one of them. BCCI bank was soon be found as a bank for money-laundering operations and off-the-books projects so complex that no outsider- and few insiders-could never keep track of them. After CIA forces and Australian bank examiners closed in on the bank It was done. Before any consiquenses coult be served the lader of the bank Nugan "killed himself" and hand disapeared with billions.
  • Today

    sourceToday the CIA is still in full effect. The CIA has grown and became a vital part of the united states. The CIA is not tied to any other part of the government. The technolegy in it today lets us gather all information around the world without even being recognized. The CIA has kept us safe since 1947 and will continue to do so.