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Christopher in the new world

christopher columbus By:Marly Tovar

  • Oct 31, 1451

    his birth place

    his birth place
    Christopher Colombus was born Oct.31 1451 in Gunoa,Italy
  • Period: Oct 31, 1451 to May 20, 1506

    The Life Of Christopher Columbus

  • Jan 12, 1470

    the seas

    the seas
    The family moved to Savona and Christopher Columbus travelled the seas as a pirate, or Privateer, attacking ships belonging to the Moors
  • Apr 11, 1476


    Columbus swims ashore after his ship is sunk in a battle with pirates off Portugal. He joins his brother Bartholomew, a cartographer, in Lisbon
  • Jan 11, 1479

    christopher columbus

    christopher columbus
    He Married Doña Felipa Perestrello e Moniz, in 1479
  • Jan 11, 1480

    a baby born

    a baby born
    later in a year him and his wife had a son name diego
  • Jan 11, 1483

    columbus wife

    columbus wife
    between 1481 and 1485 colobus wife died..
  • Jan 12, 1485


    Felipa his wife die of consumption,Christopher Columbus moves to Cadiz in Spain where he opens another shop supplying maps and charts
  • Jan 12, 1486


    some year later after of his wife death he marries Dona Beatriz Enriquez de Arana from Cordova in Spain. but Columbus petitions his plans to the Spanish court but is refused any patronage
  • Jan 12, 1488

    a new baby

    a new baby
    Christopher and Dona Beatriz Enriquez have a son called Ferdinand ( 1488 - 1539), better known as Fernando
  • Oct 12, 1492


    On August 3 1492 Columbus set sail to what he thought were the East Indies. On 12 October 1492 he arrived in "the Americas,"
  • Jan 12, 1493


    in 1493 Pinzón joins columbus and they depart to Hispaniola for Spain in the Niña
  • Jan 12, 1494


    the year of 1494 columbus travle toCuba,Jamaica but then later on back to Cuba then after there start heading to Hispaniola.
  • Jan 12, 1502

    returning home

    returning home
    in 1502 columbus left Cadiz, Spain with four ships.
  • Apr 13, 1504

    christopher columbus

    christopher columbus
    after he discover america he went back to spain in 1504. he went back to spain and lost 2 ships.
  • May 20, 1506


    He died on May 20, 1506 at valladolid st the age of 54, from a heart attack. The attack is thought to have been caused by an autoimmune form of arthritis which caused joint swelling, eye disease, and urinary infections. This was deduced based on observer accounts of his symptoms, and his personal writings in his notebook.