Chinese Inventions

  • 150

    Industry: Paper

    Industry: Paper
    Made from the bark of mulberry tree, the chinese were the first to create paper. This knowledge eventually travelled to Japan.
  • Period: 150 to Dec 31, 1400


  • 400

    Travel: Magnetic Compass

    Travel: Magnetic Compass
    Made of lodestone, these compasses alway pointing south. This allowed for sailors to know what direction they were sailing, even without the stars.
  • 400

    Travel: Paddlewheel

    Travel: Paddlewheel
    The Chinese adapted the idea of the paddle and invented the paddlewheel. When turned, it propelled boats at high speeds.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Industry: Woodblock Printer

    Industry: Woodblock Printer
    Ink was spread on these wood blocks and paper was placed on top. This allowed books to be copied not by hand.
  • Jan 1, 618

    Travel: Arched Bridge

    Travel: Arched Bridge
    The arched bridge was invented by a chinese engineer in 618. It differs from the Roman version because it uses circe segment for arches rather than half circles.
  • Jan 1, 850

    Military: Gunpowder

    Military: Gunpowder
    Alchemists were trying to find a formula to a life-lengthening elixir. They accidentally created gunpowder, a highly explosive material. It was made from sulfer and saltpeter
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Military: Flamethrower

    Military: Flamethrower
    Around this time the chinese discovered they could use the recently found gunpowder to create weapons. The flamethrower used a combonation of oil and the explosive powder to shoot out fire.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Industry: Porcelain

    Industry: Porcelain
    Although they had been making porcelain since the 1st century, around this time in when they began making it look pretty. It is a type of pottery made of quartz feldspar.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Military: Rocket Tech

    Military: Rocket Tech
    Although it began as simple fireworks, they later started to be used as weapons. They were powered by the previously mentioned gunpowder.