Chinese Inventions

  • 150

    Industry, paper

    Industry, paper
    The chinese made paper making in the second century. They made paper out of hemp or they used rags
  • Period: 150 to Feb 12, 1400


  • 250

    travel, compass

    travel, compass
    The chinese made the compass in the third century. the first compass was made with load stone and they used the earth. because load stone is influenced to earths poles.
  • Feb 22, 650

    industry, printing

    industry, printing
    The chinese made printing in the 7th century. there printing was called wood block printing. The printers would draw characters would draw symbols on paper then glue it onthe wood block.
  • Feb 22, 750

    industry, tea

    industry, tea
    The chinese made tea in the 8th century. tea became an everyday drink for the chinese. It was made by letting tea leaves steep into boiling water.
  • Feb 12, 850

    Military: Gunpowder

    Military: Gunpowder
    The people that maid gun powder were the alchemist. The alchemist maid it by accident while trying to make people live forever
  • Feb 18, 950

    Military:flame thrower

    Military:flame thrower
    The chinese maid there first weapon with gun powder mixed with oil. The Chinese used the flame thrower to spray the enemies with fire.
  • Feb 18, 960


    The Chinese maid rockets during the song dynasty. The rockets where powered with saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfer. The rockets where first maid for fire works then they used them for weapons.