Chinese Discoveries & Inventions

By Dathemm
  • Period: 3000 BCE to Dec 31, 1400

    3000 BCE to 1400 CE

  • 2700 BCE


    People have been drinking tea for awhile now, it all started with the Chinese. The Chinese started making tea by letting tea leaves sit in boiling water, they mostly drank tea as medicine. Industry
  • 250 BCE

    Improving travel by sea

    Improving travel by sea
    The Chinese where the first to make a compass, the first compass was made of magnetic materials called limestone. It was a more like a big magnet with the north and south poles on it. the Europeans also invented a compass made of limestone. Exploration and Travel
  • 200


    The Chinese were the first to invent paper making. For about 500 years the Chinese were the only ones who had the secret to making the paper. The secret of paper making soon spread to Japan and then across central Asia. Industry
  • 450

    Improved travel on rivers

    Improved travel on rivers
    The Chinese invented a boat that would get you across the river faster. The invention was called a paddle wheel. It worked by people walking on treadmill to get the paddles to move and get the boat moving forward. Exploration and Travel
  • Feb 16, 618

    Improved travel on bridges

    Improved travel on bridges
    The Chinese made a bridge that rested on arches and had half circles. The new type of bridge took less material to build and was stronger, too. These bridges stretch over expressways around the world, which helps out the people on the boats because its an easy way to get around. Exploration and Travel
  • Feb 16, 650


    When they first started printing, the Chinese had to use a wooden block. The block would cover the picture with black ink, Then smooth the paper out with a brush. Then the printer started to improve, and they came up with the movable type.Industry
  • Feb 15, 750

    Paper money

    Paper money
    The paper money was invented by the Chinese, they used wood blocks to print the money, and put a lot of color on them. Military technology
  • Feb 13, 850


    Accidentally discovered by alchemists working with saltpeter looking for the secret to eternal life. Military technology
  • Feb 14, 1300

    Rocket technology

    Rocket technology
    Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song Dynasty. Rockets were powered by a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. Military Technology