Han dynasty 100 bce chinese

China: Han Dynasty

  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty Begins: Liu Bang conquers the Qin Dynasty

    Han Dynasty Begins: Liu Bang conquers the Qin Dynasty
    A man, of the name Liu Bang, leads a rebellion against the Qin Dynasty. He successfully seizes Xianyang, the capital city of Qin, and ends Qin rule. He later, establishes the Han Dynasty, and then renames himself Emperor Gaozu.
  • 202 BCE

    The Establishment Of Han Dynasty's Capital City, Chang'an

    The Establishment Of Han Dynasty's Capital City, Chang'an
    Emperor Gaozu establishes Chang'an as the capital of the Han Dynasty. The capital is strategically located at the convergence of all major roads. This city, Chang'an, has been the capital of more than ten dynasties in Chinese history.
  • 202 BCE

    China's Emperor

    China's Emperor
    Liu Bang is proclaimed emperor of China after defeating the rebel Xiang Yu, a prominent warlord in the late Qin dynasty. This is important because Liu Bang or Emperor Gaozu defeated the ruler before him, Xiang Yu.
  • 195 BCE

    Death of the Emperor

    Death of the Emperor
    Emperor Gaozu dies. His empress Lü Zhi tried to confiscate the empire for her own family. This was a huge problem for the Han Dynasty, this conflict lasted for 15 years.
  • 180 BCE

    Emperor Wen Takes Control

    Emperor Wen Takes Control
    Emperor Wen, one of Liu Bang's surviving sons, takes the throne and reestablishes the broken lineage. He and his family punish the Lü Zhi clan for their rebellion, killing every family member they can find. As a ruler, Emperor Wen lightens taxes and promotes the development of the empire. Without this event, the Han Dynasty wouldn't have had another ruler to take Gaozu's place.
  • 141 BCE

    Reign of Emperor Wudi

    Reign of Emperor Wudi
    Emperor Wudi rules and expands Han territory in China. Emperor Wu also abandons Legalism in favor of Confucianism. Confucianism is often characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion. At the time, confucianism was a great way keep order in the Han Dynasty.
  • 138 BCE

    The Beginning of the Silk Road

    The Beginning of the Silk Road
    Sent as an envoy of Emperor Wudi, explorer Zhang Qian begins several expeditions to central Asia. He and his associates establish contact with Hellenistic peoples to the west, ultimately leading to the opening of the Silk Road. This lead to a whole new age of trading.
  • 101 BCE

    The Extension of the Chinese Empire

    The Extension of the Chinese Empire
    After a series of military campaigns in all directions, Emperor Wudi adds a huge amount of territory to the Chinese empire, including southern China, central Vietnam, and north and central Korea. He consolidates control over his empire in this time.
  • 105

    The Invention of Paper

    The Invention of Paper
    The eunuch Cai Lun develops a method of making paper by dipping a screen into a pulp of rice, straw, and tree bark, and pressing and drying the pulpy residue. During Han times, paper is used mainly to wrap fish, not for written documents. Even though, they used paper as "fish wrap" rather than for written documents, he invention of paper was a huge technological advancement.
  • 220

    The End of the Han Dynasy

    The End of the Han Dynasy
    A series of battles weakens the empire further, and Liu Xie finally abdicates in this time, thus ending the Han Dynasty. Warlords and states vie for power for the next 350 years, leaving the country splintered. This left a huge gap for power, in Chinese history