
Child Dev.

  • Period: to

    Child Dev.

  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Missed menstrual period, other signs may not be noticeable yet. The baby is about the size of a pin head, egg attaches to lining of the uterus. The heart begins to beat, and the critical stage of brain and spinal cord development.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    Breasts begin to swell, possible nausea. The bladder from the uterus enlarging to urinate more. Now the baby is about 1/4 inch. Starts to get a face, eyes, ears and the limbs shape. The bones begin to form.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Breats become firmer and fuller. Nausea, fatigue and weight gain may total. The baby is about 1 inch, starts to get nostrils, mouth, lips and teeth buds. The fingers and toes are almost complete. All of the organs present but still immature.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    Adomen continues to grow slowly, morning sickness. Appetite increases. Can suck it's thumb, swallow, hiccups and can move around. All the facial features become more clearer.
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    Enlarged abdomen becomes apparent, slight fetal movements felt. Increased size may began to affect posture. Size is about 6 in half inches. Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear. Teeth continue to develop and becomes more active.
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    Fetal movements sensed as strong kicks, thumps, and bumps. Weight gained may total. Fat depostis under skin, breathing movement starts to begin.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Increased size may affect posture. Periods of activity followed by periods of rest and quiet.
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Discomfort may result from increased size. Backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath and fatigue are common. Fetal kicks may disturb the mother's rest. Weight gain totals 18-20 pounds. The baby react to loud noises wiht reflex jerking action, moves into head- down positon.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    "Lightening" felt as the fetus drops into the pelvis. Breathing becomes easire. Other discomforts may continue. A weight gain 25-30 pounds and false labor pains may be experienced. The baby's skin becomes smooth as fat deposits contine, movements decrease, descends into pelvis, ready for birth.