Chemistry Elements

  • 1526


    Suggested world was made of 3 elements.
    Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury.
  • Robert Boyle

    Examined Phosphorus properties.
    Boyles law.
  • Johann Becker

    Phlogiston Theory
  • Henry Cavendish

    Discovered Hydrogen. He thought it was phlogiston because the gas was odorless, and colorless.
  • Hennig Brand

    Hunt for Gold in the human body. Used urine to try to find Gold.
  • Hennig Brand

    While in search for gold in urine, he discovered a completely different element by accident. Phosphorus.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Found Oxygen
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Exposed Oxygen. Showed phlogiston didn't exist.
    Defined what an element was.
    Non-metals, metals.
  • Humphry Davy

    Discovered electricity to rip apart potash.
    Discovered Potassium.
    Added 6 elements to Lavoisiers list.
  • Hydrogen

    Lightest element. Highly flammable nature witnessed in airship. Killed 36 people.
  • WWII bombing

    Phosphorus was used in bombs dropped on Hamburg.