The progressive movements

Chapter 18

  • Labor Laws

    Labor Laws
    Reformer Florence Kelley worked tirlessly to limit child and women labor. Childen faced to worst conditions.She helped persuade the Illinois legislature to prohibit child labor and to limit the number of hours a woman could work.
  • Reforming the Work Place

    Reforming the Work Place
    In 1900 the average worker worked 10 hours a week and 6 days a week. They were paid about 1.50 a day. Woman and children were paid even less.
  • The Muckraking Press

    The Muckraking Press
    Investigative journalists became known as Muckrakers because they "raked up" or exposed the muck and filth of the society. One man stated that, "muckraking is what people wanted to hear." Mckrakers were very disliked and avoided.
  • City Planning

    City Planning
    Daniel Burnham, a leadind architect and city planner produced a new plan for redesignning Chicago. The first national conference for city planning was held in 1909. It was the first comprehensive plan to redesign a US city.
  • Industrial Laborers

    Industrial Laborers
    Some 70% of all American industrial laborers worked an average of 54 hours a week. As a result, American workers had higher accident rates than workers in other industrialized countries. In one workplace 25% of the workers were injured or killed on the job.
  • Child Labor Laws

    Child Labor Laws
    Child labor laws were passed in 39 states. Some states even limited older children's employment to 8 or 10 hours a day and barred them from working at night or in dangerous occupations. Other states required that children were able to read and write before being able to go work.