Chapter 13: American Industry

  • First telegraph message

    First telegraph message
    Samuel Morse perfects the telegraph and has Annie Ellsworth send out the first message from the telegraph saying, "What hath God wrought!"
  • Drake strikes oil!

    Edwin Drake stikes oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania
  • Edison's first light bulbs!

    Edison's first light bulbs!
    Thmas Edison was the one to create the electric powered light bulb and the one to get the idea for central power stations instead of the slef powered generators
  • The telephone is invented!

    The telephone is invented!
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the first telephone in the 1870's and has changed the lives of all Americans forever in doing so
  • The first longest bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, is built!

    The first longest bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, is built!
    The landmark is a longstanding example of the works and wonders of steel. This was built so that people would be able to cross a body of water by Brooklyn without waiting on the weather to change and they won't have to worry about rough waves toppling their boat on the way over
  • Transcontinental Railroads are finished!

    Transcontinental Railroads are finished!
    This project was started in 1862 and was completely finished on May 10th, 1869 when Leland Stanford drove the last golden spike into the rails. These railroads gave the enconomy a great boost as they gave another way of transporting goods and needed items across the country, from coast to coast
  • The Bessemer Process is created

    The Bessemer Process is created
    The Bessemer Process was started by Henry Bessemer of England. It creates steel from iron by removing the impurities faster than melting iron and then removing the impurities. They put in the impure iron and then there's flames that reach an incredibly high temperature and the heat pulls out so much of the impurities, making the iron stronger, or turning the iron into steel