Chapter 10: Growth and Expansion

  • Eli Whitney invents cotton gin

    quickly and efficiently removes seeds from cotton fibers. one person could do the work of 50
  • Congress approves plan for national road

  • Congress passes Embargo Act

    prevented americans from getting outside goods
  • Robert Fulton's Steamboat The Claremont goest to Albany

    In a record-setting time of 32 hours. Using sailboats it would have taken four days.
  • Francis Lowell opens a textile plant in Waltham, MA

    all stages of cloth production are performed under a single roof for the first time. factory system is born
  • Second Bank of the United States is chartered

  • James Monroe inaugurated.

    Start of the Era of Good Feelings.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    Proposed by Henry Clay. Aimed to resolve Sectionalism tensions. Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state and banned slavery north of the 36/30 north parallel.
  • US Population stands at 9.6 million

  • The Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe issued a statement saying the US would not interfere with any existing European colonies in the Americas, but it would oppose new ones militarily. Still an important element in American foreign policy.
  • Erie Canal is opened.

    363 miles. Two years of digging. Built mainly by Irish immigrants. Along the canal there were a series of lochs where the water level was raised and lowered. Joined Lake Erie and the Atlantic.