Chapter 10

By ADAL123
  • Tariff of Abomination

    Tariff of Abomination
    Tariff of Abominations. The Tariff of 1828 was a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, 1828, designed to protect industry in the Northern United States. ... The manufacturing-based economy in the Northern United States was suffering from low-priced imported goods from Europe.
  • Maysville Road Bill

    Maysville Road Bill
    The Maysville Road veto occurred on May 27, 1830, when United States President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill that would allow the federal government to purchase stock in the Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company, which had been organized to construct a road linking Lexington to Maysville on ...
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands
  • Cherokee Nation v Georgia decision

    Cherokee Nation v Georgia decision
    Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 30 U.S. (5 Pet.) 1 (1831), was a United States Supreme Court case. ... It ruled that it had no original jurisdiction in the matter, as the Cherokees were a dependent nation, with a relationship to the United States like that of a "ward to its guardian," as said by Justice Marshall
  • Worcester v Georgia

    Worcester v Georgia
    Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515, was a case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    The decision was made, and on November 24, 1832, the South Carolina legislature passed the Ordinance of Nullification, which declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional, and thereby null and void. The Nullification Crisis began with this act.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    The Force Bill was a law passed by the United States Congress that temporarily gave the President of the United States the power to use the U.S. military to enforce the collection of federal import duties in states that refused to pay them.
  • Compromise tariff

    Compromise tariff
    The Tariff of 1833, enacted on March 2, 1833, was proposed by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun as a resolution to the Nullification Crisis.
  • Financial Panic

    Financial Panic
    A financial panic is a sudden, drastic, widespread economic collapse. All at once, many people become convinced their money or investments are at risk and rush to the institutions holding their assets.
  • Period: to

    Indians Forced on Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was a series of forced relocations of approximately 60,000 Native Americans in the United States from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States, to areas to the west of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Indian Territory
  • Independent Treasury

    Independent Treasury
    The Independent Treasury was the system for managing the money supply of the United States federal government through the U.S. Treasury and its sub-treasuries, independently of the national banking and financial systems.
  • william henry harrison election

    william henry harrison election
    The 1840 United States presidential election was the 14th quadrennial presidential election, held from Friday, October 30 to Wednesday, December 2, 1840.