Changing Nation Timeline

By Evan321
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    George Washington’s Presidential term

    1st presidential term. Setting up the cabinet as advisors, setting the two terms. Stay out of foreign affairs, gave dangers of setting up political parties
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Tax proposed on Whiskey by Washington and Hamilton in order to gain money. Revolts broke out and in July of 1794 the revolts became violent. Washington sent out almost 13,000 troops to stop revolts of the new nation. Establishing people can not handle dissatisfaction with violence.
  • Jay´s Treaty

    Jay´s Treaty
    British were still on the North American continent. Tensions were high between the two countries after the American Revolution. Justice John Jay made a peace treaty to attempt to stop Britain from interfering with American trade and shipping.
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    Sailors were taken off of ships and forced into working for other navys
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    John Adams Presidential Term

    First Vice President and 2nd President of the United States. 1st president to live in the White House,1st president to have a political party. 1st time that a president was defeated and a change in office. How would the US interact with Britain and France. Adams focused on working with France.
  • Alien and Sedition

    Acts passed to deport foreigners and make it more difficult to allow immigration. Sedition acts forced a fine for those that wrote or spoke against the government. States rights vs. National rights. Could a state create a law that overpowers a national law
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    XYZ Affair

    France was upset by Jay’s Treaty which led to France taking American merchant ships. Americans fought back leading to an undeclared war with France. Resolved in 1800 with a treaty.
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    Thomas Jefferson’s Presidential Term

    Seen as the common man’s president. Set up a spoils system so many of his Friends were riding on the coattails of his popularity and victory.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Purchase of the Louisiana Territory that doubled the size of the United States. Helped France by being able to pay for their ongoing wars with France, while it gave land to the United States to define the country.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Exploration of the new land bought by the Louisiana Purchase. Looking for a water way to connect the territory.
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    Marbury v. Madison

    Established Judicial Review giving the Judicial branch the power to interpret the laws. (Declare them constitutional or not). Equalized the system of checks and balances.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Ended all exports from the United States illegal. Was to stop the French and British interference with US shipping as they were at war with each other. Hurting the American Economy was an outcome of this
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    War of 1812

    War to end the Impressment of American Sailors. This established America as its own country in the British eyes rather than a child, the US was equal. This also established the Star Spangled Banner as Francis Scott Key wrote the song based on his account of the battle. Later put to music and made into the National Anthem. Jackson becomes a Hero of the War at the Battle of New Orleans. Native Americans were on the side of the British and became the loser as they lost Tecumseh as their leader.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A compromise that kept the balance in the senate. It allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state and Maine as a free State. All states entering after will be determined by the 36 30
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    A doctrine that states the west will not accept colonization from Europe
  • Tariff of Abominations

    A protective tariff that was put in place to help products in the United States by raising the cost of exported goods
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    Andrew Jackson Presidential Term

    First Democratic Republican candidate that won office. He doubled the size of the US with the Louisiana Purchase. Cut whiskey tax and reduce National debt.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Exchanged Indian Territory that was established within the state borders to areas west of the Mississippi River.
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    Texas Revolution

    Mexico offered land to Americans that would settle in the territory in exchange to become mexican citizens and become Roman Catholic. Mexico feared the colonists' actions and restricted trade, setting up military posts to end further immigration. This caused conflict where Texas gained its independence.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Became a symbol for Texas. They were outnumbered as Texans; they occupied the Alamo but held their ground for 13 days before they lost their battle and the Mexicans won the battle as they captured the alamo.
  • Panic of 1837

    A financial crisis that lasted until the mid 1840's. Loss of jobs, high prices and inflation
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    Trail of Tears

    The forceful removal of the Native Americans to move them to Oklahoma. This 1,000 mile journey was very difficult and many were not prepared to leave causing many native american deaths.
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    War with Mexico

    War fought on foreign soil. President Polk believed in Manifest Destiny where the United States should stretch from sea to shining sea. This war gained land from the Mexico in present day south western US.
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    California Gold Rush

    Gold found in California in 1848 encouraged many people to travel to this area to get rich quickly. The gold rush occurred in 1849 and peaked in 1852. 2 million dollars was found in gold during this time. This sped up California to apply for statehood and become a free state with the Compromise of 1850.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty ending the War with Mexico that gave the us 525,000 square miles of territory.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    This book outsold all other works except for the bible. This helped to further separate the free and slave states. The free states were outraged by the story told by the evils of slavery leading many to want to abolish slavery in the nation. The south was outraged with this novel saying it did not accurately describe slavery.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Land purchased from Mexico in present day Arizona and New Mexico so the transcontinental railroad could be built. $10 million for a 29,670 square mile
  • How did the development of the nation lead us on a path to civil war?

    How did the development of the nation lead us on a path to civil war?
    The civil war started because started because of three main reasons. One is Slavery. The North was anti-slavery and the South was slavery. The second is because of state rights. And the third is because of the Westward Expansion.