
Causes of World War ll

  • Treaty of Versailles is Issued

    Treaty of Versailles is Issued
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that ended WWl and set off anger in Germany that eventually lead to WWll. It forced Germany to take full blame of WWl and forced huge reparations of $5 billion annually until 1921 and thirty years reamaining after. Germany was in a bad financial spot from WWl and didnt want to agree with the requirements of the treaty. It also limited the size of German's military and forced them to give France back their land.
  • Period: to

    Failure of League of Nations

    Covenant of League of NationsThe League of Nations was an international organization set up to help keep world peace. Some reasons the League failed at their task were: not all nations joined the league, some left and some were excluded, also they had no power in the things they were asking about trading with member-only countries. There was no army and they only met 4 times a year so they could not act quickly as crisis would be happening.
  • The Munich Agreement is signed

    The Munich Agreement is signed
    Dated on September 29, the Munich Agreement was a settlement made at a conference in Munich, Germany with all the great powers of England except Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. providing Nazi Germany to take over parts of Czechoslovakia along the country's border, which has mainly German speaking people. They called it Sudetenland.The British prime minister Chamberlain returned back to Great Britain and called the agreement "peace for our time."
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler invades Czechoslovakia
    Even though Hitler agreed to the Munich Agreement in September 1938 about peacefully taking land, he marched into Czechoslovakia and occupied it, breaking the pact. He wanted to liquidate the remainder of Czechoslovakia and invaded. He promised this was the last territorial demand to the German people and Brtish Prime Minister Chamberlain but really it was just the beginning because he knew the strategic importance of the Czec land.
  • Germany and Russia sign a pact

    Germany and Russia sign a pact
    The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed and it secretly had plans for the future invasion of Poland and how they would divide Eastern Europe. It publicly agreed to have no military aggression with eachother for 10 years. Soviet, Joseph Stalin, thought of it as a way to keep his country out of war with Germany and time to build up the Russian military. Hitler used it as a way to make sure he could invade Poland without having competition. It fell in June 1941 when Nazis invaded Soviets
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    After the attack on Poland on September 1, Britain and France declare war on Germany and Prime Minister of Britain announces it to the country by broadcasting it on radio. They began bombing German ships the next day but were given instructions to not harm German citizens while the German military had no such restrictions.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Video on BlitzkriegBlitzkrieg, or "lightning war" military tactic, was launched by Hitler on Holland and Belgium. Also on this day Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of Britain. Rotterdam, a city in south Holland, was bombed almost to complete extinction. Both countries were then occupied by Nazi Germany.
  • Winston Churchill's Speech

    Winston Churchill's Speech
    Churchill's SpeechAlso the day of the Blitz on Holland and Belgium, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made the speech which is linked above. It was given to encourage the people of Britain to fight for their country even though it would be hard and that they MUST defeat the evil and have victory. He was brand new to the position.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was the last straw for America to enter the war. The Japanese Navy made a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at 7:48 am with 353 fighter planes and bombers. They intended the attack to be a preventative cause so that the US wouldnt interfere with the Empire of Japan, but it sent them into war. About 2,000 Americans were killed that morning.
  • Germany and Italy declare War on US

    Germany and Italy declare War on US
    Operations by the US after the attack on Pearl Harbor, which was declaring war on Japan, caused Germany and Italy to declare war on them. The United States followed back by also declaring war. With Japan, Italy, and Germany as allies it was going to be a tough fight for America.